ashkiener Member


  • Before vacation at the start of October I was 135.8 lb, then I lost some weight from walking around at Disneyworld. Then I gained some back from eating lots of fast food and visiting family on our drive home. We've been home about a week now and I have now dropped to 135.2 lb! I am feeling good and liking the fit of my new…
  • Original starting weight: 147.8 lb. Ultimate goal weight: 130 lb. + some muscle! My start of the month (9/02 Tuesday): 136.0 lb. 9/07 Sun: 137 lb. 9/17 Sun: 137 lb. 9/21 Sun: 137 lb. 9/30 Tues: 135.8!!!!!!! I finally got past 136 lb. which was my previous low. I feel great! Let's see how well I can keep this up over the…
  • Original starting weight: 147.8 lb. Ultimate goal weight: 130 lb. + some muscle! My start of the month (9/02 Tuesday): 136.0 lb. 9/07 Sun: 137 lb. 9/17 Sun: 137 lb. 9/21 Sun: 9/28 Sun: End of Month (9/30 Tues): I lightly sprained my right foot this week so I have to really take it easy. It's already on the mend so I'm…
  • Original starting weight: 147.8 lb. Ultimate goal weight: 130 lb. + some muscle! My start of the month (9/02 Tuesday): 136.0 lb. 9/07 Sun: 137 lb. 9/17 Sun: 9/21 Sun: 9/28 Sun: End of Month (9/30 Tues): Oops, let's just call it water weight this week. I can do better!!
  • Here we go! This should be a great month for seeing how disciplined I've become with my food portions. My parents are coming to visit in a few weeks and I know we'll go out to eat once or twice and then I'll be out of town for most of October and won't be able to log on and track things. Still I've become better at…
  • I have maintained my weight all month long which I am proud of considering we had a house guest, lots of restaurant visits and celebrating my 30th birthday! :) This morning I hopped on the scale and I am down .6 pounds so I consider that a success and look forward to seeing what this next month will bring! Current weight:…
  • Starting weight: 147 Current weight: 142.2 Challenge GW: 132.2 Ultimate GW: 130 + muscle! Weigh ins: 6/29: 142.2 7/6: 141.4 7/13: 140.6 7/20: 139.2 7/27: 138.6 Slow and steady wins the race! I need to kick it up a notch over the next month. ;) I'm SO close to my initial goal!!
  • Starting weight: 147 Current weight: 142.2 Challenge GW: 132.2 Ultimate GW: 130 + muscle! Weigh ins: 6/29: 142.2 7/6: 141.4 7/13: 140.6 7/20: 139.2 7/27: Another week down! :) It feels good getting closer to my goal and having my clothes fit better every week. :)
  • I'm just now catching up on the message boards- Starlet and Carl, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your loved ones. It is never easy and I am happy to pray for you both and your families at this time.
  • Starting weight: 147 Current weight: 142.2 Challenge GW: 132.2 Ultimate GW: 130 + muscle! Weigh ins: 6/29: 142.2 7/6: 141.4 7/13: 140.6 7/20: 7/27: Another week down and feeling better every day. :)
  • 1013carl- Thank you so much! :)
    in NSVs Comment by ashkiener July 2014
  • hirstl- Congratulations and keep up the great work! :)
    in NSVs Comment by ashkiener July 2014
  • We did some shopping today and I bought some shirts that were a size smaller! I'm starting to feel more confident about my body again and it feels great. :)
    in NSVs Comment by ashkiener July 2014
  • Starting weight: 147 Current weight: 142.2 Challenge GW: 132.2 Ultimate GW: 130 + muscle! Weigh ins: 6/29: 142.2 7/6: 141.4 7/13: 7/20: 7/27: Not too bad for having a holiday this week! :)
  • Starting weight: 147 Current weight: 142.2 Challenge GW: 132.2 Ultimate GW: 130 + muscle! Weigh ins: 6/29: 142.2 7/6: 7/13: 7/20: 7/27:
  • SW: 147 CW: 147.8 Challenge GW: 137 Ultimate GW: 130 + muscle! Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (6/01 Sunday): 147.8 6/08 Sun: 143.4 6/15 Sun: 143.8 6/22 Sun: 144 6/29 Sun: 142.2 I forgot to log this yesterday! Oops. :) From June 1 I have lost 5.6 lb. and that feels great. I am on board to keep going. :) Starting weight: 147…
    in Weigh Ins Comment by ashkiener June 2014
  • SW: 147 CW: 147.8 Challenge GW: 137 Ultimate GW: 130 + muscle! Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (6/01 Sunday): 147.8 6/08 Sun: 143.4 6/15 Sun: 143.8 6/22 Sun: 144 6/29 Sun: End of Month (6/30 Mon): My daughter and I have been sick all week so I'm happy that I've maintained my weight and am ready to face another week. Let's…
    in Weigh Ins Comment by ashkiener June 2014
  • SW: 147 CW: 147.8 Challenge GW: 137 Ultimate GW: 130 + muscle! Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (6/01 Sunday): 147.8 6/08 Sun: 143.4 6/15 Sun: 143.8 6/22 Sun: 6/29 Sun: End of Month (6/30 Mon): It's been a good week- I'm slowly starting to build up muscles in my arms, legs, and core and can fit into a smaller pair of jeans…
    in Weigh Ins Comment by ashkiener June 2014
  • Today I am wearing my smaller pair of jeans that I couldn't wear all winter because they were painfully tight. They're still a little tight but at least I can wear them again! That's a great feeling and a great motivator to keep working until they fit even better. It's amazing how much better I feel now that I'm watching…
    in NSVs Comment by ashkiener June 2014
  • SW: 147 CW: 147.8 Challenge GW: 137 Ultimate GW: 130 + muscle! Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (6/01 Sunday): 147.8 6/08 Sun: 143.4 6/15 Sun: 6/22 Sun: 6/29 Sun: End of Month (6/30 Mon): Wahoo! I'm feeling good and my clothes are starting to fit better. It is so exciting to see results already. Good job to everyone this…
    in Weigh Ins Comment by ashkiener June 2014
  • SW: 147 CW: 147.8 Challenge GW: 137 Ultimate GW: 130 + muscle! Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (6/01 Sunday): 147.8 6/08 Sun: 6/15 Sun: 6/22 Sun: 6/29 Sun: End of Month (6/30 Mon):
    in Weigh Ins Comment by ashkiener June 2014
  • Hi guys! I look forward to getting to know you and support you on your getting-healthy journey. I could really use the encouragement too! Please feel free to add me as a friend. Thanks! :)
  • Hi! I'm Ashley and I'm new to MFP. My daughter turned two years old last month and I am finally motivated to lose the rest of the baby weight around my stomach. I'm turning 30 in August and I want to start making healthier lifestyle choices. I want to be strong and have energy to chase my toddler around. I'm excited to…