

  • Ok that came off really wrong. My apologies. I'm not saying I looked good at a heavier weight. I have plenty of stretch marks to remind myself daily of what I used to be. And I guess I didn't think of the users here that are overweight because I don't really associate the users with whom I'm speaking of since you all are…
  • -1 Scoop Protein -2 servings (typically 26g) of ground flax seed -1 serving of peanut butter -However much unsweetened vanilla almond milk I desire. I don't know why but I enjoy the taste of the flax and peanut butter together.
  • I didn't read all the comments so I'm replying to the topic in general. I think obesity is pathetic. Unless someone has a medical condition that makes them prone to weight gain, there's absolutely no reason for anyone to be morbidly obese. I used to be 320 lbs, and I still get pissed off at myself for ever getting that…
  • Bask in the jealously and compliments. It is oh so sweet.
  • I joined a gym for motivational purposes. Starting out, I used to force myself to drive to the gym because once I'm there I figured I might as well go work out. Then once I got started, everything was fine. I would be able to put in a solid hour, and leave feeling better about myself. Nowadays, working out is almost like a…
  • Well I don't know how long you were out with injury and how long you've been back to your routine, but coming back from time off can make it hard to get back into the swing of things. Things will become easier with time. As you do get back to form, increase your intensity. As I'm sure you know, our bodies are smarter than…
  • Reese's Cups. Really anything that is a combination of chocolate and peanut butter. Chinese food.