

  • Yes at the time my son was 3.5 years and he said "Mommy, you are a little fat in the front." That is all it took for me to decide I needed to make a change! I explained to him that he was right, but it was hurtful to call people fat. He said, "I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you are a litte fat in the front." It…
  • I like the oikos caramel flavor and the honey flavor. It is a little different but I really enjoy it!
  • 1 bagel with cream cheese, or peanut butter or just plain!
  • Maybe get some hand weights to add to your walking. You can pump your arms while walking or do some arm exercises! They would be quiet and not noticeable! Or you could use a chair to do leg lifts from the side and dips for your arms!
  • Green tea! Caffeine and low in calories!! It will help take that headache away!
  • I am sorry to hear that! It is ok to cry it can be cathartic! I am renter and my mom raised me to take care of it like it was mine and leave it cleaner than when I moved in. One landlord I had did credit checks before he rented to people and he weeded out a lot of bad seeds that way. It really sucks to have two renters in…
  • I did not do hypnosis but did speak to a hypnosist at one point. She stated that a lot of people eat because they are trying to fulfill a need or fill a void. It may be a psychological/emotional need, a physical need, concious or uncouncious needs. She said that there are triggers in our lives that may set the need off and…
  • I personally like Leslie Sansone for low impact. She has many DVD's to choose from. I have lost 12 poounds in six weeks using this site and her DVD's. Weight loss is also a little difficult for me as I take an anti depressant with the side effect of weight gain! I am happy that you were able to catch the cancer early and…
  • I have been in the same situation as you! This site has been the perfect motivation for me so far!! I started this on February 15th 2010 and have lost 9 pounds so far! It is a slow weight loss but a good one! I find myself motivated to work out and watch what I eat. I think actually seeing the amount of calories and fat…
  • I have been using Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds DVD's. She has several and I use them everyday. They are low impact aerobics and she has a 10 minute ab buster too! I
  • Or maybe eat something you know the calories of before you go and you can just munch a few things while you are there. Good luck!!
  • I found myself in the same cycle as you. It is very hard on your self confidence. Someone told me once you may not actually be hungry, you may have some type of a need either physically or mentally that you are trying to feed. For whatever reason that helped, it made me really watch what I was eating. Instead of reaching…