Other excercises that arent TOO noticeable (at work lol)

xoArielleMarieox Posts: 47
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I get to work at 1pm. 1-3pm its "nap time" (daycare) After im done getting the kids to sleep, washing the floor, doing notes and all my other duties im left with an hour that I usually would spend doing, pretty much nothing. Last week I started to take the time to take atleast 10-15 minutes of just walking around in circles around the tables. Normal speed, Ill do acouple seconds here and there of jogging, a few little kicks, lifting my arms, just to get my body moving instead of sitting.
You think im atleast burning 50-60 calories if I do this 10 minutes or so right??
What else could I add that wouldnt be load or noticeable to wake up the kids ect. Maybe lunges??


  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    lunges, squats, crunches, in a squat postion you coud punch (billy banks & jillian work outs) that really gets your heart rate rising
  • indy2bird
    indy2bird Posts: 13
    Maybe get some hand weights to add to your walking. You can pump your arms while walking or do some arm exercises! They would be quiet and not noticeable! Or you could use a chair to do leg lifts from the side and dips for your arms!
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I think any kind of movement is better then none at all! Lunges are good, Marching in place, Squats. Arm circles, you could even a mat and do a few sit ups.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I think any kind of movement is better then none at all! Lunges are good, Marching in place, Squats. Arm circles, you could even grab a mat and do a few sit ups.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Look into isometrics. I love them

    Also can you do floor work like planks, crunches, push-ups? You know...

    Bring in a resistance band they are excellent for all kinds of different muscle groups.
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Lunges are great!

    Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Push ups,Sit ups, Punches, Steam Engines (stand with feet apart and hands behind head, raise Right knee to left elbow, return to starting do with Left knee/Right elbow... repeat. The higher you lift your knee the higher the HR)

    There are tons of exercises that you could do....

    Good for you for staying in motion and not sitting like a blob on the couch!
  • AngiMoss
    AngiMoss Posts: 77
    Also, there is that thing where you put your back against a wall and slide down until you are sitting in an invisible chair. Hold it for as long as you can. Or throw in a few leg lifts, while you remain "seated".
    Also, you may look up some pliates moves...I bet you could find a few that you could do.

    None of these are cardio so you wouldn't be able to earn a bunch of calories, but they will definitely help tone & firm you up if you do them with any kind of regularity.
  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    If you dont have Leslie Sansone's dvds, check out her website. She has a demo video that's about 30 minute long. It's a great workout that you can do in one spot such as walk in place, side step, knee lifts, etc... You can familiarize yourself with that demo video so you can do it on your own. I would say you can burn around 200 calories doing 20-30 min of this workout.
  • Thanks everyone :)
    I LOVEEEEE Leslie! She changed my life I watch her every day
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