

  • You may pay a little bit more, but like the previous post, it is well worth it for the specialized care and concern you will receive. I have never dealt with pressure issues at these stores, they generally want to help as many people as they can and realize the shoes are expensive. You can certainly get fitted and then…
  • Hello! You should go to a running specific store and get properly "fitted" for your running shoes. They come in so many styles and comforts and focus on different areas of one's foot. These types of stores will watch and analyze how your feet hit the ground when you run/walk and tell you exactly what kind of shoe will work…
  • Yes, it is wonderful. I use it in my oatmeal and Greek yogurt and it is just what you need to sweeten it up a bit. Be careful though, you really don't need to use a lot.
  • I obsessively log in pretty much while I am eating the food, especially at lunch. Bad habit!!!