rdavidson180 Member


  • I am here so I can keep healthy for backpacking and hiking. Going for 7-8 hours out tomorrow and enjoy some low snow miles as winter is dry so far this year. (NE WY)
  • The trail runners versus conventional full hiking boot question for me balances on what the load and distance are. I love TR's but used injudiciously by me on a long light hike in Colorado when I should used a stiffer boot cost me pain weeks later. The only blisters I have suffered in years are from pounding downhill with…
  • Cybertone answers it well by the Cardio counter has alway seemed to me to be skewed. I biked 10-12 mph in moderately hilly terrain on asphalt for 2 hr 15 min the other day and the counter claimed 1600 calories burned??? I did take in 2200 calories but I should have been hurting a bit.
  • My first months in a gym where I did about 3 hours aerobic and 3 hours of resistance a week via a mix of free weights and machines were a bit disconcerting as my weight flat-lined; there was no movement for nearly 3-4 months, and then it crept down for another 3. I did fill in one or two 3 mile jogs a week if I wasn't day…
  • Works very hard to pull off that look.
  • My own personal experience says cover up in a very light loose shirt to keep the direct sun off your skin to stay cooler. This is from working in oilfields from Texas to Alberta. I have found the same in fitness or backpacking in the western US. But we really aren't talking health though are we? I would respectfully…
  • After a very long day that started out with 5:15 AM group cycling, then 8 hrs of work, an evening yoga class that was just too relaxed was startled when I snorted out a gasping snore when I lost consciousness. I went and did again 30 seconds later as i slipped off again.
  • Hello, My physician led me to MFP. He is in his later 30's and has cholesterol issues by his admission. I have had my blood tested roughly every 6-8 months and have high in Glucose for some years. I strongly recommend anyone starting with a new physician do a wellness panel before your first visit and have some records…