

  • You also have to remember that at it's core, it's a competition; many, if not all of the contestants take dangerous approaches to achieve that radical weight loss to win. Performing full days of workouts in summer wearing full winter clothing, working out wearing plastic bags to massively dehydrate, etc. Just keep plugging…
  • Previously, I switched to diet which I couldn't stand the taste of and after a few weeks I was done with it all together and was drinking water. This time around, I went cold turkey which has worked too but I also drank more lemonade / orange juice / etc instead; honestly, the first week is the hardest without it. If you…
  • I used to have the same problem before I got bicycle / compression shorts; they are above the knee and I have no issues now. I found a decent selection of work-out clothes @ Walmart of all places and picked up a pair of of the shorts there.
  • I agree with Jillian, it doesn't really address the underlying problem with what we choose to consume everyday.