

  • I obviously was a little aggressive/assumptuous in my first response, so thank you back for understand the point of view. :) I think what you're doing for your sister is great! It's awesome that you're going out of your way to help her. More of us could use the support .... lol, puns. :P
  • Do understand that I made my post before you edited your original to defend yourself from such accusations. Also, if so many people took it the way I did, it's possible your question may have been worded in an alpha-male/d-bag way. That's how I read it, anyway. I don't think anyone was trying to offend you, including…
  • I think it's kind of weird that you're trying to find a reason as to why "women are lying" about being able to run with boobs or not. I mean, what do you have to gain in your attempt of proving so many women's testimonials wrong? What you need to understand is that bras aren't cheap; we DO have to buy them, you know. It's…
  • This had me laughing my *kitten* off. You're right! this is at least half the reason. Lol
  • My cousin and my closest friend has had a kidney disease since he was 8. He went into renal failure about two months ago. My whole family and I were terrified of losing him, and now we're watching him go through dialysis 3 days a week. I(and several family members) applied for living donor, but I wasn't accepted because of…