What is your WHY?



  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    My why is that I'd been unhappy with my body for years. Years and years and years, most of my adult life. I am now in my late 20's and one day last winter I realized that this is the time in my life when I have the best chance of being really fit and looking great-- and staying that way. I realized that I was wasting my young adulthood, when I could be very attractive and happy with my appearance, by not being in ideal shape and being disgusted with my body. And I got engaged in the fall, so I was feeling pretty powerfully that I didn't want my fiance/future husband to be with a woman (me) who was just slowly gaining more weight. Yuck! He deserves a trim and healthy partner, being a trim and healthy and wonderful guy.

    And I wanted to get in shape in time to make my wedding dress in the size I fully intend to be in a year from now (when our wedding is) and in 10 or 20 years from now, too!

    Now I want to stay the same size, for all those reasons; I've just started maintaining at a little below my original goal weight and I think it will be doable!
  • iLIFTcupcakesNiron
    The whys are so important! A person has to want to do it for the right reasons.

    My whys:
    To keep up with my munchkins
    To be a good role model for them
    To show them women are strong and capable
    To not rely on my nebulizer for my asthma
    To take better control of my manic depression
    To feel better about myself
    To be strong
    To have the energy and stamina to do the things in life that I love.

    These are my whys. Who wouldn't want to change with reasons like these??? :)
  • erelyl
    erelyl Posts: 48 Member
    Vanity reasons were never enough WHY for me. And despite my weight, my health has not (yet) suffered. So for a long time i just didn't have a reason. I always had an easy enough time dating when i wanted to, i never really held back from doing the things i wanted to do (yeah, i am a lazy *kitten* so there wasn't a lot i wanted to be doing i guess).

    Now i have a WHY. He's a 4 year old bundle of pure energy and it takes all i have to keep up with him. He's my WHY for everything. He's the reason i need to lose weight and get healthy because i want to see him grow up. I want to be able to run around in the park with him all day and not be the fat lazy momma who just sits by and watches. I want to play soccer with him, go on hikes and see him explore the world. I want to be the fun energetic mom he needs and deserves.

    I also want to get on airplanes without worrying about my fat *kitten* taking up too much space. I want to look as good as i feel. I want to avoid the health problems that are made worse by and brought on by obesity. These are secondary, but not unimportant.

    I like threads like this that remind me why i am doing this. Really helps me avoid going for that second cookie this afternoon :)
  • Ratrap
    Ratrap Posts: 153
    My why?

    I never cared about myself before. I never wanted much from life and didn't think I would live long as a teenager. I have lived longer than I thought I would after my life was changed. I have always hated myself and the way I look. I hate sitting in a chair and being afraid its going to break, I hate being the big guy who has to sit in the front seat with a car full of friends, I hate feeling so uncomfortable in public, I hate the aches and pains I feel, I hate feeling like I am over indulging while there are people starving, I hate feeling like less of a man, I hate not ever having been able to take my shirt off in public, there are a lot of whys for me. My major why is because I want a lot out of life now. I want life to be longer than I expected and I want to enjoy being active while I am living it.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    Because I wanted to.
  • katimorris87
    katimorris87 Posts: 65 Member
    Basically I hate my body and I don't want my kids and hubby to be embarrassed of me.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    My why? I'm sick of being ashamed of how I look and hating myself.
  • lavendah
    lavendah Posts: 126 Member
    Great post.

    There's so many reasons for wanting to lose weight tbh.

    But,basically, I'm tired of being the girl ''who would be hot if she lost few pounds'' LOL.

    I'm in my early twenties and should be at my best at the moment..not some phatass bish.And this is the best time to do it,cuz it'll only get difficult later.
  • ekmcdan
    ekmcdan Posts: 38
    My cousin and my closest friend has had a kidney disease since he was 8. He went into renal failure about two months ago. My whole family and I were terrified of losing him, and now we're watching him go through dialysis 3 days a week. I(and several family members) applied for living donor, but I wasn't accepted because of my weight. I knew that I was overweight, but at 225lbs I thought that I might have made the cut. It was obvious that I was in denial. The fact that I could not donate to my cousin even though I was a match struck the fear of death in me. It made me realize that I am not the only one affected by my health. This was my initial "WHY".

    Thankfully for all of us, his mother(my aunt) is currently selected as a primary donor and is going through selection, so for now we have high hopes that things will be well. But, all I can think is "what if?". There's a lot of hoops to this process. I decided that if there were to be any complications, I could be that donor at the drop of a hat; all I have to do is work for it. I never want to be disqualified from ANYTHING because of my weight, again.

    What I didn't expect to happen next was that my husband jumped on the wagon with me! My brother, who is at 400lbs, has started to work out with us. My mom will be joining us next week, and now my dad wants to get in shape too.

    For now, they are my reason why. This will be my "why" to battle depression, eating disorder, and self-hate. You are not invisible, no matter how much you weigh. I can lose this weight for myself, but I can do it to be there for my family, too. I feel like If I were to give up, It'd be like telling everyone in my family to give up, too; and I AM that important. I deserve health! :)
  • amberrea82
    amberrea82 Posts: 232 Member
    My why is now 100 reasons more than my why not :D

    The main things always stay the same, just in different order sometimes. I want to be healthy. My mom's side has a history of heart issues. Not having to shop in plus-size stores anymore. Sitting relatively comfortably in an airplane seat (if that's actually ever possible). I want to look on the outside as I feel on the inside. I've always been that person who is always smiling, always friendly and approachable. And who can forget givin the big ol bird to those people who tried holding me back from being my very best.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I want to have children, and be a healthy example for them.
  • _AwesomeSauce_
    Why? To enjoy amazing sex, duh! Because sex while fat isn't fun... trust me, I once knew this.
  • iPlatano
    iPlatano Posts: 487 Member
    I love working out and looking good, naked or not. :heart:
  • DefyGravity810
    DefyGravity810 Posts: 34 Member
    This board should be pinned somewhere for newcomers because I really think THIS is the single thing that makes a difference in actually losing weight and sticking with it. You need a reason that is so strong will override your desire to sleep in or watch TV or sit on the couch or eat dessert. Once you have that everything else becomes relatively easy in comparison.
  • _sirenofthesea_
    _sirenofthesea_ Posts: 117 Member
    I'm pretty amazing on the inside - just want my outside to catch up :)
  • ekmcdan
    ekmcdan Posts: 38
    Why? To enjoy amazing sex, duh! Because sex while fat isn't fun... trust me, I once knew this.

    This had me laughing my *kitten* off. You're right! this is at least half the reason. Lol
  • islandblush
    I really like this post.

    My why is: I stopped living and I was bringing everyone I loved down with me. That's not who I am. I am a healthy active person who let herself go (though now I am paying for it medically). This really is a total lifestyle rewind- back to how active I was and how I ate throughout my childhood and teen years. I am not comfortable with this body.

    Edit: I wanted to add that this is the second time I have "tried" my first reason was a bikini, apparently that wasn't as motivating as people telling me I sucked and was boring now and my doctor saying I was on a very bad path for my health. LOL.

    My friend has been large all her life. She goes on spurs and wants to lose weight for summer or her wedding, but she confided in me that she only does it because of social pressure and in about two months she is back to her regular routine. She doesn't mind her weight and she is comfortable in her cloths/skin.
  • Shovelita
    Shovelita Posts: 21 Member
    and no it wasn't to find a man..I got him while I was fat and got fatter after I found him...

    This! If you can't find a good man while you're chubby, you probably won't find one while you're skinny.
  • _AwesomeSauce_
    Why? To enjoy amazing sex, duh! Because sex while fat isn't fun... trust me, I once knew this.

    This had me laughing my *kitten* off. You're right! this is at least half the reason. Lol

    I know right! For me, this is the alpha and omega. If I can't feel comfortable naked in the presence of my partner, then what's the point?