What is your WHY?



  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I want to do this because I'm 21 and I'm tired of saying "well I almost hit my goal" or "if I would've continued I would be so happy and healthy". As a student and young adult I have enough to worry about and I think being unhealthy and physically not confident should be one of them. I'm just ready to be happy and love myself. I want to lose the 70 pounds and never have to think about them again! I have to remain myself how worth it this is and how much self hate and shame I had when I allowed myself to give up so many times before.

    We want you to be happy and healthy too. Good for you acknowledging what you need to do now, as opposed to so much later in life. It is easier when you are younger to set yourself up for success. It is totally worth it, and your body will thank you later. Thank you for sharing!
  • laban1ca
    laban1ca Posts: 59 Member
    bump to read later :)
  • Tinkerkel22
    Tinkerkel22 Posts: 6 Member
    My reasons to loose weight would be;

    -To feel more healthy
    - To gain confidence
    - to feel good wearing normal size clothing
    -To enjoy life better, without feeling judged
    -To look as much better as I can possible
    -To reduce chances of developing health problems

    Once you've got the right mind set and motivation you can conquer your goals, it takes time and effort but it really does pay off. Having a goal gives me something to work towards and makes me want to push myself further.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I want to look better!
    I want to be as sexy as I feel inside
    I want my future family to have a healthy lifestyle from the start
  • Tinkerkel22
    Tinkerkel22 Posts: 6 Member
    My reasons to loose weight, My WHY would be,

    -To feel more healthy
    - To gain confidence
    - To feel good wearing normal size clothing
    -To enjoy life better, without feeling judged
    -To look as much better as I can possible
    -To reduce chances of developing health problems
    -To be more active and social

    Once you've got the right mind set and motivation you can conquer your goals, it takes time and effort but it really does pay off. Having a goal gives me something to work towards and makes me want to push myself further.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have several reasons why, and they are not necessarily in the correct order:

    1. I had given up on myself for a very long time. Being in an abusive relationship it was just easier to be frumpy and fat to avoid any "issues" that he had with men approaching me.

    2. I have 3 beautiful children and I would like to be here as long as possible to watch them grow and have families of their own.

    3. OMG, I feel so much better now, I can only imagine how much better I will feel once I'm where I ultimately want to be.

    4. Confidence.... I have found an entirely new confidence in myself, and it feels amazing.

    5. I want to be a good role model for my children so they will also have a long and healthy life!
  • tammymae1990
    My why is many reasons:

    *I want to feel comfortable in my own skin again
    *I am pre-diabetic and do not want to suffer any consequences of not dealing with this disease such as loss of vision or limbs, being at an increased risk of having a heart attack, etc.
    *The most why to me though is being here for my kids. They are both in college now and I want to see them graduate and get into the professions they love, I want to see them get married and have families of their own, I want to be the grandma that runs and plays with her grandchildren and I want my children to be proud of me for setting my goals and reaching them. I have always supported my children in all they have done with school, sports, church and making sure they were happy and healthy while letting myself go. Now it is my turn to get healthy for them but more importantly for ME!! They tell me "Mom we love you no matter what size you are" but I can honestly say I don't love me at the size I am. I am not a vain person so looks are not what motivates me the most, but I do want to be able to go and buy REALLY cute clothes at a smaller size!!
  • jessieduquette
    My why is for my son! im always tired and my back hurts most of the time. i want to be a fun mom! another reason is for myself. im always saying to myself that i look terrible and i cant fit into any of my clothes! another why is because my boyfriend just recently made a comment to me that he doesn't want to get fat like his ex! that was horrible to hear from him!

    my whys
    1. my son
    2. for me and my body to stop hurting
    3. no more comments to me
    4. healthier body
    5. more confidence in myself
  • PuckBunny1919
    1. To be healthy
    2. Look incredible for my wedding
    3. To watch my niece and nephews grow up
    4. To motivate my friends and family to change
    5. To be happy
    6. Be able to buy clothes without feeling I look terrible
    7. To play team sports again
    8. To have some serious muscle
    9. Prove people wrong
    10. Most importantly to prove to myself that I can do it
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    My kids need a healthy and happy mom.
  • lightblueeyes
    lightblueeyes Posts: 13 Member
    This is a great post...just what I needed today. You see, I have tried and quit...tried and fell off the wagon...tried and failed so many times before. I woke up this morning and decided to try it again...I always decide to try again...for a few weeks and then lack motivation and find excuses not to exercise or justification for stopping at the fast food joint on the way home because I had a really tough day at work and do not feel up to cooking when I get home.

    I never REALLY thought about Why.

    I too, like many have responded to this post before me, have a family history of diabetes and high blood pressure (along with heart disease, strokes, cancer). While I do not have diabetes, almost exactly five years ago (at age 35) I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. I am on a very low dose of medication and it is now testing normal, but my doctor has told me that if I can change my eating habits and lose the extra weight, I can throw away those pills. I really have not lost any weight in those 5 years, but I have maintained and not gained any additional weight. Then last week, I went to the doctor and my triglycerides were very high - which caused my liver enzymes to be elevated. I think that was a major wake up call - if I do not get serious about this...I am going to have some major problems.

    I watched my husband go through this several years back...about 12 years ago he was diagnosed with diabetes and had to take oral medication to regulate it. The diabetes medication affected his blood pressure and soon he had to add another oral medication for blood pressure. These combined, affected his cholesterol and now he takes medication for all three. He never had issues with blood pressure or high cholesterol before starting the diabetes medications. And he has had to switch diabetes medications a couple of times because they caused problems with his kidney function.

    I will be forty this October, I do not want to be taking pills - some of which have worse side affects than what they are treating - for the rest of my life. A big part of my problem is my sedentary daily activity. I have an office job and literally sit at a computer all day...I was never overweight until I started working a desk job. Then over the years, the pounds slowly crept on.

    I can do this...I will do this...these are my reasons WHY:

    1. I want to be healthy and medication free.
    2. I want to be able to keep up...like walking up the stairs without feeling like I am gonna fall back down them!!
    3. I want to be around to see my niece and nephew grow up.
    4. I want to feel better about they way look.
    5. I want to be forced to go buy a new "skinny" wardrobe. I love to shop...what can I say??
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    amazing post!

    my daughter

    'nuff said
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I want to wear a bikini and feel hot in it.
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I want to be as strong and fit as possible in preparation for the zombie apocalypse.
  • gostumpy
    gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
    I want to be able to drive my car without a shirt on and not feel fat.

    I want to be able to remove my shirt at the beach and not feel fat.

    I want to stop feeling fat.

    Pretty much it
  • Ringer1022
    Ringer1022 Posts: 45 Member
    #1.... I have a rheumatic autoimmune disease (incurable) and being a healthier me in my body composition, means a stronger me to fight my disease

    #2... To be feel as sexy as my husband always tells me I am
  • hospitablegirl
    hospitablegirl Posts: 64 Member
    My WHY started out for me. I was tired of feeling so sad, bored, and depressed. I recently moved to Chicago and started getting really bored with the same routine of getting home from work and watching tv until it was time to go to bed. I tried being fit last year and lasted until I went on vacation and then blew it all. This time, I wanted to be less ashamed of my body, enjoy my life, and say that I could do something athletic.

    Now, my WHY has migrated into something larger than myself. I love the changes I'm seeing in my body. I love being able to run 1.2 miles without stopping. More than that, I love seeing my family inspired to change. My sister, at first, told me she didn't want me to lose weight because then she'd be fat alone. She changed this into wanting to lose weight together. Now, we motivate each other much of the time. As long as I keep thinking that it's about more than me, it's about my family, who I value more than anything, I know I can keep going forever.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    I want to feel more confident
    I want to know that if I have something wrong with my health my Dr cannot blame it on my BMI
    To live a long life
    To not hurt all over or ache
    To not feel that I am cramped in the airplane seat
    To never worry that I will not be able to fit into a stores clothes
    To feel sexy
    and yes look sexy
  • Tharja27
    Tharja27 Posts: 2
    to whipe away most insecurities of my body and be happy with myself for a change
  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    Love this! I always ask myself why but I don't know. I suppose I want to look good naked