What is your WHY?



  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    ghostinfestat - When we figure out what our why is, it tends to make it easier. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and get out of that funkly depression that can sometimes give in. Your body releases a feel good chemical when you exercise that lifts you up. The more you do it, the better you feel. Think about how you feel after a good workout or a day filled with activity. You feel energized, refreshed, and ready to take on the world, any worry or thought you had that was counterproductive has been set aside for the time being. Thrive on that and let it fill you with the positive energy to move forward, let it build momentum, and the next thing you know, you regret not exercising vs having to exercise. It is now a want instead of a need! or maybe a need :happy: I hope that makes sense. Thank you for sharing!
    My why is not necessarily strong enough, but I agree that it has to be strong to keep someone going. Maybe that's why I've had trouble in the past. To wear cute clothes wasn't strong enough. To battle my PCOS wasn't good enough because it was invisible, even though I eventually wound up winning. To show everyone that I could wasn't nearly enough, and just can't be enough for anyone. At the end of the day it was very simple- I just got too depressed. That's why I started exercising, it's why I'm working as hard as I can now. I've made room for it. Instead of it forcing me to lay in bed all day, forget to eat, and wind up being tired and flabby and hopeless, I've decided to let me get mad at myself when I work out. I can call myself all the names I want while I run, while I lift, while I squat, while I swim. That is the only time I will let myself hear it. I've battled major depression since I was a child. Nothing horrible ever happened to me, I just got very sad somehow and it never went away. It makes me sleepy, it makes me snappy towards others, it makes me unproductive, and it makes me afraid. Exercise DOES help. Every day for that half an hour to an hour that I kick myself around, I have managed to rescue myself a little bit. I don't sit around and cry or tell myself that I can't leave the house. I even get hungry sometimes. I feel like if I can make small goals for myself and hit them, I can be proud of myself, and that is one step towards maybe even being happy.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Great results! Congrats. Thanks for sharing!
    this is my motivation and my why. if i look like this again im finding the nearest bridge

  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I bet there are a lot of new people that have never asked themselves this question or need a little something to pick them up today, so here is a little bump. Lets see what happens! :happy:
  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    Great Post. It was very interesting reading people's Why's- you never know what motivates someone.

    For me my Why is a combination of vanity and reality.

    Diabetes runs in both sides of my family and I take the traits of the side where it is most prevalent, yeah.. not going to happen. I have high cholesterol-again genetic, trying to rid myself of that if I can.

    I have heard so many people tell me you are fine, you look just fine, I don't feel that way and in and out of clothes I really don't believe them. I have a milestone b-day coming up and my shallow vain goal is to be in a bikini on that birthday and for the birthdays thereafter. I no longer want to be the self-conscious chick afraid to show off her form. I am not looking for washboard abs just tone and no extra 'wobbly bits' :) I know that dedication and time and continuous effort will get me where I need to be.

    Lastly, I want to look in the mirror and say, DAMN, just DAMN! :wink: :drinker:
  • Scotty_51
    Scotty_51 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 48, 5'9" 210, so a little back story is needed (warning, wall of text):

    In my 20's I could eat 5,000 calories a day and never gain weight, I weighed 145 back then, too skinny IMO . I was very active and in awesome condition, turned 30 and still didn't gain any weight no matter how poor my diet was.

    Hit 35 and gained a few pounds and got a bit if a spare tire, no big deal it was bound to happen with age, probably weighed 175 at the time.
    40 came and the spare tire got bigger, probably weighed 190 or so, my energy levels dropped and I became less active, just age and stress is what I told myself.

    Turned 44, weighed around 205 and started a new job that involves a lot of lifting, busy time of year I will lift 25,000 pounds of product in one day. This left me pretty exhausted at the end of my work day and no energy/motivation to do any cardio.

    I have to do DOT physicals for my job every 2 years, weighed 210 in 2012 when I had it done.
    April of this year was time for another DOT physical, still weighed 210 but my blood pressure was 170/100, time to freak out.
    They gave me a 3 month medical card and my BP needs to be below 140/90 by July.

    I don't have time to lower my BP with just exercise, so off to the doctor I went. Hadn't been to one in years, so did a full physical with blood work and started on BP meds.
    Got the results of the blood work and I have hypothyroid, turns out I've had the symptoms for some years but dismissed them as just signs of getting older. That turned out to be great news, I've only been on levothyroxine for 1 and a half weeks but already feel much better not only physically/energy wise, but also mentally.

    I've been wanting to get back into cardio workouts for sometime to lose weight and get in better condition. The high BP was the kick in the pants I needed. My knees can't handle the pounding of running and/or treadmill so my only real choice is elliptical. I hate gyms so I did tons of research and found an elliptical that felt good and met my budget. I got it 6 days ago and love it, hardest thing has been not over doing things. I've had to resist the temptation to use it twice a day.

    Strange that finding out I have high BP was a good thing, got me motivated to work out, and led me to discover I have hypothyroid.
  • I3righti3lue24
    I3righti3lue24 Posts: 40 Member
    I've always wanted to loose weight but never had the motivation till 2 years ago, why? because I know have a toddler and a 10 week old. I want to be around longer for my girls, I want them to grow up with a fit/in shape active family. I have a lot of health conditions in my family that are hereditary and can be worse with heavier weight, it hit home after I had a kid...

    that's my why.

    and so far it feels great to see the scale going down
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    Truthfully my why is I want a baby.
    But I want to provide a healthy strong body for my baby to grow in.
    I want to be a fit mum not a fat mum.

    This is my why as well, couldn't have put it better.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    To get muscles.
  • clairetomkinson84
    clairetomkinson84 Posts: 66 Member
    My why is my son. I want to be there for him as he grows up. I want to be able to run around with him. I don't want him being embarrassed for having the "fat mum" at school. I want to do it for myself so I can look and feel better.
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    OP, what a great thread :)

    I had gotten and stayed HUGE, in complete denial and I felt awful.

    My Husband and I are losing the weight for a healthier future and to be considered for adoption :)

    Thank you for a great reminder and a powerful visualisation!

    Kaela x
  • angeliis02
    angeliis02 Posts: 103 Member
    This is a great thread. I wish I had time to read through it all right now but I will for sure when I get home tonight.

    My why is deeper than I normally admit. I have the jokes on my bulletin board at work "I stay fat because it just would not be fair to all the thin people if I were this good looking, intelligent, funny AND thin. It's a public service really." Then I have the Maxine comic stating "Only one thing keeps me from staying on a diet, food." On the outside I pretty much take my size in jest. Most people think my "why" is to simply fit into a pair of jeans or be smaller than my co-workers.

    Not the case in reality. I have panic attacks which started after my daughter was born. My DH has his own issues and it terrifies me thinking my daughter will have to grow up without either of her parents. There are times I am convinced I'm having a heart. The pain radiates through my chest, down my arms, into my legs. I've been to the doctor, had EKGs only to find it's just a panic attack. The attacks seem to be directly related to how I'm treating my body at the time. When I'm eating whatever, struggling to fit in my clothes, sitting on the couch all the time they're worse. Makes sense. Since I've started back on MFP two weeks ago I haven't had a panic attack. I generally feel better. Every pound lost I feel a little more confident in myself.

    Then there's my daughter, my mini-me. She's 7 years old, 4'3" tall and weighs 110 pounds. Since elementary school I was the fat kid. I haven't been under 200 pounds since middle school. I don't want her to follow in my footsteps. If I start now it isn't too late. She can learn to follow a healthy lifestyle and still enjoy the foods she likes. She sees me get up and go for a walk and she's right there beside me. Whatever I do, she'll do so I have to make sure I'm influencing her in the right ways.

    Last but not least is the health aspect other than the panic attacks. Every doctor I've gone to has told me I'm pre-diabetic. In November I was told to lose weight or be put on medication. I had a follow up appointment in January. I didn't lose the weight I canceled the appointment. Rescheduled for late February. Didn't lose the weight, canceled again. Smart eh? Now I have to go back. I'm out of my thyroid medication and can't get another refill on it before I go back and see her. Since I last saw her I've lost 12 pounds. I'm not sure if that means I'll avoid the medication or not but it's a start.

    Bottom line is. My "why" is because I'm scared. Scared of leaving my daughter, scared of her life dealing with excess weight, scared of the health issues that come with being my size and carrying all of my weight around my middle.
  • Shaselai
    Shaselai Posts: 151
    My why is girl. Have a girl i like and she likes me even though i am overweight compared to some others who would ignore me. She herself is skinny, pretty and educated. She did give me a goal to work towards at saying for my health and our future i need to lose those pounds and although she didn't give me an ultimatum or anything she did say she would like me to lose X pounds by Y. I think that was when i got really motivated even though before meeting her i was starting to lose but certainly not as motivated as now.
  • palmetto_dewbug
    palmetto_dewbug Posts: 7 Member
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    Many more great reasons why. When you visualize what it is that is driving you, or have the physical motivator right there in fron of you, it makes it that much easier to push forward and be better. Not only for yourself, but for those you love. Your children, your spouse, the fear of complicated medical issues that you don't need are some of the strongest motivators. Especially with the crazy health system we have right now. Since my journey started almost 2 years ago, I have only been to the doctor twice, and one of them was a waste of time and money. The last time I went, I thought I had a sinus infection. Turned out to be some kind of virus, and there was nothing they could prescribe to fix it. Money and time wasted. But, everything else was good. Now I am due for a physical, but I am not worried. My body fat % is around 15-16%, my blood pressure is normal, no news of thyroid issues or diabetes, which are all my goals. But, I know I have to continue to eat right and exercise so I may continue to have positive results like that. But, it has to be a combination of all contributing efforts. Yes exercise is good, but without proper nutrition, that is only a piece of the pie. Proper nutrition is great, but if you are not moving around and pushing your body, you will never know your potential. Switch up your activity level too. Don't just stick to walking, running, or weight lifting. do it all. Each will work your body differently and maximize your results. If you are walking today, jog a little tomorrow. If you are running, then switch it up and lift some weights. Keep a regimented plan. If you don't know where to start, then ask someone. Ask me! I have ran races, mud runs like the rugged maniac or mud brigade, done the basic exercises of physical training while in the Army, completed extreme programs like P90X, Insanity, and LesMills Combat, and learned how to make it work. Finally, seek support. Not just from forums like these or other sites. Tell your friends, your family, etc. When they know you are serious, they will be more likely to support you and who knows, you may even inspire them to some degree. You have already made the decision to be better, stay committed, and you will succeed. Thank you all for sharing. Please, keep it flowing. Your "whys" help to keep me going to. :happy:
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    I need to post this for myself. There are so many reasons. I used to take pride in not knowing or caring what my weight was in high school. I was active, healthy, and a tomboy who didn't want anything to do with those weight obsessed teenage girls. While I was babysitting one night at age 17, I stepped on their scale. It read 175 (I'm 5'4.75"). I'm not really sure why I thought that was a perfectly acceptable weight but I was fine with it. I'd been told my whole life that I was big boned so that must be it. It wasn't until I got pregnant with my 1st (age 21/22) and weighed in at the doctor at 193. Eek...that was too close to 200 but what could I do. I was pregnant and miserable. I didn't gain much weight, ending the pregnancy at 212. That baby threw my life into loops I feel like I'm still recovering from (she's 11 and I've had 3 more since, ages 8, 6, and 2 - I'm done now lol). I'm 33 now and I swore I wouldn't enter my 30s over 200. Oops. Birthday is in August and I WILL achieve my goal or being overweight...lol, NOT obese anymore (that's about 178 for me). I have a gorgeous beach vacation waiting for me this year and I plan to put the self hatred to rest permanently.

    My WHYs:

    - to love myself so I can show my 4 girls that its ok for them to love themselves too
    - I want to stop obsessing about my weight...it literally dictates my life. I avoid social functions like crazy...I missed an old boyfriend's funeral because of my weight. How selfish of me.
    - I want more tattoos
    - I want to feel strong again. I was voted most likely to become a gladiator and 'most muscular legs' in high school lol
    - I want to set a good example for my kids. Not about weight, but that exercise needs to be normal, whether its on purpose or doing something you love
    - I want to wear regular clothes. I kid you not, I have ONE pair of sweatpants and 2 shirts. That's it. They get washed a lot.
    - I'd love to feel not-at-all self conscious in the bedroom
    - I'd like to wear a somewhat regular bathing suit. I hate regular bathing suits. I also hate the baggy swim shirt and men's swim shorts I wear now. I want some cute WOMEN's swim shorts (Roxy) and either a fitted rashguard or even a tankini top.
    ....there are so many more reasons.
  • gummibear64
    gummibear64 Posts: 26 Member
    bump for later
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    You have some great reason's why. Thank you for truly thinking about it and sharing with us. I have all the confidence in the world that you will achieve your goals!
    I need to post this for myself. There are so many reasons. I used to take pride in not knowing or caring what my weight was in high school. I was active, healthy, and a tomboy who didn't want anything to do with those weight obsessed teenage girls. While I was babysitting one night at age 17, I stepped on their scale. It read 175 (I'm 5'4.75"). I'm not really sure why I thought that was a perfectly acceptable weight but I was fine with it. I'd been told my whole life that I was big boned so that must be it. It wasn't until I got pregnant with my 1st (age 21/22) and weighed in at the doctor at 193. Eek...that was too close to 200 but what could I do. I was pregnant and miserable. I didn't gain much weight, ending the pregnancy at 212. That baby threw my life into loops I feel like I'm still recovering from (she's 11 and I've had 3 more since, ages 8, 6, and 2 - I'm done now lol). I'm 33 now and I swore I wouldn't enter my 30s over 200. Oops. Birthday is in August and I WILL achieve my goal or being overweight...lol, NOT obese anymore (that's about 178 for me). I have a gorgeous beach vacation waiting for me this year and I plan to put the self hatred to rest permanently.

    My WHYs:

    - to love myself so I can show my 4 girls that its ok for them to love themselves too
    - I want to stop obsessing about my weight...it literally dictates my life. I avoid social functions like crazy...I missed an old boyfriend's funeral because of my weight. How selfish of me.
    - I want more tattoos
    - I want to feel strong again. I was voted most likely to become a gladiator and 'most muscular legs' in high school lol
    - I want to set a good example for my kids. Not about weight, but that exercise needs to be normal, whether its on purpose or doing something you love
    - I want to wear regular clothes. I kid you not, I have ONE pair of sweatpants and 2 shirts. That's it. They get washed a lot.
    - I'd love to feel not-at-all self conscious in the bedroom
    - I'd like to wear a somewhat regular bathing suit. I hate regular bathing suits. I also hate the baggy swim shirt and men's swim shorts I wear now. I want some cute WOMEN's swim shorts (Roxy) and either a fitted rashguard or even a tankini top.
    ....there are so many more reasons.
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    My reasons have already been taken by other members, but I wanted to chime in and say it's so important to be reminded of these things, particularly because weight loss can be a long, arduous journey if you forget why you began.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    heading to bed, bumping for tomorrow ...... great question, btw :drinker:
  • AnnBassham
    AnnBassham Posts: 31 Member
    I had some heart issues when I was 28 years old and had three small children. I started eating healthy. My husband and brother teased me about eating stuff that taste like cardboard and spending time exercising when I could just take medications. I buried my husband last year and one of my brothers who was only 2 years older than me. I am helping my other brother he has had several bypass and stent surgeries. He is getting his diet under control. He no longer takes insulin but there is no more they can do for his heart.
    :heart: My why is to show our children and grandchildren that you have to live for tomorrow or you will not have a tomorrow.