back2twentyfive Member


  • You are an inspiration! I am taking to heart your example of doing things you love for exercise, which is exactly what I am planning to do. I also don't recognize myself whenever I cut my hair, LOL! Many thanks for posting your journey!
  • I am 5'3+3/4" with a small frame. Throughout my twenties, I weighed 118-125. Between not losing the 20 lbs. I gained after giving birth and then continuing to eat as much as and whatever I wanted for many years afterwards, I recently started this trek at 195 lbs. I am very motivated to get back to 118 lbs. because I felt…
  • If I'm hungry at the end of the day, I eat 1-2 cups mixed greens, preferably crunchy greens like Italian salad, which is half romaine and half red cabbage. It 's very low calorie and makes me feel full. :happy: