20kg_to_go Member


  • I was about to post my own temptaion when i saw this - i would've said the same thing - throw it in the bin (and throw something yucky over it!! =) I was faced with a similar dilemma tonight... my mum had made a delicious but very creamy/fatty lasagne and had left it on the table for anyone who wanted more. I had my own…
  • I actually just took pictures of myself in a bathing suit recently for this particular reason - I wanted to compare my body now and in future months... i figured that if I have a print out picture of what I look like now, and an inspiring picture of what I want to achive,, it helps to keep me motivated. Great idea and I…
  • completely agree!! =) If you have a bad moment/day/week, you can just get right back in the race! You hd a moment of weakness? Oh well, we all do and it's a part of being human - doesn't mean that you've 'failed'! =) Well said!! +)