marshallexi Member


  • Peanut butter. In fact, all nut butters, eaten from jars with a spoon. :tongue:
  • I'm the exact opposite, I struggle so hard with PV days, I'd stay on PP forever if I could. I've taken to do 4PV/ 3PP days a week. On the PV days I only eat veggies with my dinner, as I just can't stand the hunger if I have them during the day. Dealing with the hunger the following day from the dinner the previous night is…
  • I felt the same way when I introduced veggies, it didn't feel nice on my system at all. Now I just limit them to one meal a day on PV days. Sausages tend to be blended with grains, so they have carbs (and not to mention tons of fat) in them. Probably better to avoid! I have eaten pork, but it was lean loin.
    in Phase 2 Comment by marshallexi July 2012
  • It's not allowed, no. But I have had a protein shake for my first breakfast (yes, I have two, greedy ***** alert!) for months and I love it so I refuse to change it. In defence of my protein shake, it is a pure soy isolate, which contains virtually no carbs - it's all protein, so as far as I'm concerned it's allowed in my…
  • Oh Shimmergal, you've just made me feel so much better. :) Here's to a good week 2!
  • I'm on week 2 of Cruise and I'm feeling much better about this week than I was last. Last week felt so hard, I was not prepared for the mad hunger pangs to come back as soon as I added vegetables into the plan. Last week I did 4PV/3PP and lost no weight, I've got weighed this morning and I'm exactly the same as I was at…
  • Whoa, am I doing this wrong? Mine's set at 90g and I rarely get to that. :/
  • I was told by my nutritionist to eat as many as I like! I generally have one a day (sometimes 2). 10 / 12 a week is my average.
  • I have the noisest tummy EVER from this diet, and I've never quite understood how people are constipated - I've had some very similar outbursts to you by the sounds of it! On some days I have eaten too much oatbran, so I wrote it off as that (combined with all the water you have to drink to deal with the oatbran = messy).
  • I'm on my third day of Cruise, I preferred the Attack phase, to be honest! We have a group you can join for support / chat/ queries:
  • We have a Dukan group that you can join: I'm on my third day of Cruise.
  • I know what you mean about missing crunch! I'm going to attempt to bake some of these this week:
  • I'm sure I'll find a rhythm that suits. :) I'm still not missing carbs, which is amazing. I miss chocolate more (damn that sugar!). When I made dinner last night (sweet and sour pork) I happily ate mine without rice whilst my husband tucked into a plateful of the stuff. Weirdly I felt just as full without it as I normally…
  • Two days of Cruise and I'm bored with veggies already! This week I'm going to 4/3 it. I don't know how I'm going to get through 2 more days with veggies, I already feel sluggish with them back in. It was nice to get back in the gym and lift weights, though. I guess I'll love my 3 days PP at the end of the week!
  • Attack done! 5lbs lost in 5 days. I even went out last night and had a few G&Ts! Didn't want any alcohol-induced food though. I feel like scrapping sugary carbs was the best decision I ever made. :)
  • I only get tummy rumbles at bedtime, I'm used to having a carby dinner, so I think the all-protein dinners are harder for my body to digest. It's keeping me awake later, that's for sure. I'm sleeping well though. Last night my husband ate chocolate, crisps and cheese right in front of me. Surprisingly, I didn't want to…
  • I'm going to try 1/1 but I have the feeling this may slide into 3/4. We'll see how it goes and which suits better. I'm prepared for a slow loss, so I don't mind my ratio slipping.
  • It's all personal. I'm on day 4 of attack and the website recommended 3 days for me. I'm planning on doing 5, but I'm enjoying the way I'm eating so much that I could probably easily do 7 days. I ate fairly low carb before this though, so I wasn't expecting too much of a protest from my body. That said, the thought of…
  • Thank you.:) I'm on Attack until Saturday, so only a couple more days. Another 1.5lbs off overnight though. :)
  • My protein shake has no carbs in at all, as it's my breakfast I'm not giving it up! I don't eat dairy so I'm using Kara Dairy Free (coconut based) for my milk, I only have about 200mls per day though.
  • We have a group you can join:
  • This my official day 1 (unofficial day 3) of Attack. So far it's good. The headache from Day 1 has gone (hurrah for sweetened tea), the horrid taste in my mouth from Day 2 has gone (hurrah for Tropical Trident gum) and I'm finding today I have more energy and feel less 'high' than I did yesterday. Since yesterday I'm down…
  • Hells bells, aren't these a saviour? Gotta love any diet that has it's own pancake.
  • How lovely to find a community of people so enthused, supportive and motivating! Officially I start Dukan'ing on Wednesday (tomorrow), but I've spent the last two days lowering my carbs and getting to grips with the plan - tomorrow it's full throttle attack! I don't eat dairy (allergy) so I'm already breaking some rules as…
  • Is it actually illegal anywhere? In the UK for employment law we abide by the Equality Act 2010 which is there to harmonise discrimination law across 'protected characteristics' (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/ civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion/belief, sex, sexual orientation), so not…
  • To be honest, I use protein bars like candy bars. I have half of one after my lunch as a sweet treat that doesn't make me want to hang myself for breaking my good eating habits. For protein fuel I prefer doing it the food route, so chicken, turkey, eggs etc. Shakes are good though. I add the powder to my porridge and try…
  • I think this is all down to personal choice. I log all my calories in and out on spreadsheet, I know I have better fatloss when I eat back upto 75% of my calories. On weeks when I eat less my fat has either stayed the same or upped a little bit. It's all about learning what your body needs, no one is the same.
  • I blog, a couple of times a week. It's primarily a food and fitness blog so I talk about exercise, food, products, research - the lot. Come and have a look:
  • Mine have faded loads since lost weight, but I think that's just a time thing (it's been a long weightloss journey for me). Moistursing helped me a lot though. Personally I got no great results from Bio Oil (for the cost, anyway) so I switched to Body Shop Coconut Butter, which smells amazing and really softens your skin.
  • Put apple and cinnamon in it, or some cashew nut butter, or some Nutella ... so many amazing things that you can do with it!
    in Oatmeal Comment by marshallexi May 2012