kellekaj Member


  • Can i ask a side question to this.... My fitness calories show under exercise but they used to also appear on the top of the diary : calories - food + exercise = remaining but the + food doesnt show there any more. Ive gone through all setting? Is this now a premium thing? Tia
  • Bump
  • I am currently up to day 3 week 6 - I have done a bit of treadmill and outside but mostly treadmill (which I find easier) I have found some weeks more difficult than others for eg: today was run 10 walk 2.5 run 10 (I found this hard) however last week was run 20 straight with no break and I found this easier. I've had days…
  • I got Tendinitis of the achilles about 4 weeks ago. I was also half way through CK25 - and also just starting to enjoy running - it killed me to have to stop. I found the bike caused me no pain and other than that I walked slowly and did weights. I've been to the physio 3 times and have slowly added the cross trainer to my…
  • Cheers for your reply - nice to know that it is not something that I have done wreong. If thats how it is then I'll live with it - the site website reads the correct time anywho. Cheers.
  • Yes I want to know about this more too. I hadn't noticed it until today but looks like it has been happening all along (I've only had my fitbit for 1.5 weeks) I'm thinking it might mean that since I am set up as sedentary and mfp calculates a certain amount of calories I would use a day but on more active days my fitbit…
  • I've got the orange one - has it for almost 2 years. Love it - 2 other friends have the same in differnet colours and also love it. Easy to use - caters to the needs of those looking to lose weight/get fit or maintain. Even puts a birthday message on the screen for your birthday ;-)
  • The growl could just be Digestion of your days foods....? I have the same thing and just try my hardest to ignore.
  • My Polar FT4 has been doing to same thing of late after having it for a year with no issues. I'm sending it back tday to have it checkout out in the testing center they seem to think it can be fixed under warrenty??? Fingers crossed.
  • That could very well be right. I'm 73kg and can burn between 300/350 calories in 30 minutes on the treadmill walking/running.