mandrigo99 Member


  • I have increase my water the past 2 weeks and have came down like 5lbs. I had been at a stall and read a really interesting article on the interent about water and I can say it really has helped. I am drinking about 150oz a day. I also use the crystal light single packs in my water to help get it all down. I have also…
  • I know exactly how you feel. A lot of people have started to notice my weight loss and comment on it all the time. I just don't see where there is a difference. Sometimes I feel like they are just trying to be nice. Since Jan 2011 I have lost 30 lbs so I know I should be seeing a difference but I don't. I just think I will…
  • No I don't eat during the day when I work nights. I even went and bought one of those smart phone things so i could log in from my phone but it doesn't sync what I have put in on my computer before I leave for work. I haven't figured out how to fix that yet. ( I am not really electronically smart). I am going to try and do…
  • Were I work nights I switch myself back to a day schedule so I can do stuff with my kids and husband on the weekends. So I can't keep my same schedule. Maybe that is were my problem is when I work I set myself certain times to eat and sleep and excercise but on the weekends I end up backwards.
  • I am glad I read this I have been doing so good on my diet but today at the grocery store I almost bought ice cream I don't know why. I did pass it up though and bought strawberries and pineapple instead. Can't wait to have that for my snack tomorrow.:smile:
  • While I am on the treadmill my husband constantly asks me if I am done yet because he thinks the time I am on the treadmill takes away from me giving him attention. The way we work we don't get to see each other much so he gets a little jealous of my treadmill time. So I try my best to do it after he goes to work but if I…
  • When I was in High School I was about 5'6 and 160 lbs. I was on the varsity cheerleading squad and knew I wasn't skinny but I wasn't huge either. A guy in my class was really big and called me fat all the time and would say I hope I never get as big as her. It hurt so bad even though I knew he was twice my size it still…
  • Thanks I always pack my lunch for that reason. There is always junk laying around to eat.