

  • I agree as well i can literally see the difference in my body morphing into the body that i want when i do weight training and This post is great. i was in such a cuffufle about weather or not i should be lifting so much weights but It makes sense to gain muscle as you lose weight as it will burn fat at a faster rate....…
  • Hi guys, just to keep you guys posted. Since reading this thread, I have adjusted settings on mfp i put in my weight, height, etc, it gave me a calorie goal of 1490cals a day. I also excercise 3 days a week and burn 530cals on those days. so i end up with a defecit of about 900-1000 cals a day. I realised that it is too…
  • "The MFP already figures in a deficit from what your body needs when you're totally at rest for a whole day, i.e. the 2000 cals for example. SO if it says to eat 1300 cals, its telling you that you're eating 500+ LESS than what you would need to JUST maintain. SO by exercising you're burning excess of the already reduced…
  • My friend who used to be a beautician stated that dairy can make your skin break out, it's not surprising too as it has additional animal hormones, I have switched to oat milk or rice milk as it is plant based. but my one weakness is cheese I love cheese. is there an alternative for cheese?
  • counting my calories daily and counting my excercise calories keep me motivated at the moment. i am yet to see results physically but i am loving the way i am feeling. My self confidence is up and totally agree about the 'feeling weird' part about not going to the gym on the 4th or 5th day. I am sure that as long as i…
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