

  • You sound like me!! I have my first daughter at 21. I am now 29. I have spent the last 8 years either miserable with myself as a result emotionally binge eating, or 3 years old I became so obsessed with the idea of being fit I crashed diet, over exercise and borderline restricted eating. This is my first real attempt since…
  • What is my why? I hate the way I look in and out of clothes and after months of self loathing I decide to start doing something about it. I was always skinny, pre kids. I am short so carry weight much differently. After my first daughter in 2006 I have started battle self image issues. I now am at nearly 150 pounds, and…
  • Awesome work!! Thanks for sharing such detailed information and pictures. Keep it in the day and keep up the hard work your a beautiful women!!
  • Hey Girl. I could use friend for motivation. I am currently 147, I am five foot. I have three girls, and after my last baby I just haven't been able to get the weight off, tbh I haven't really tried either. I have become an total emotional eater. I just signed in today and max my calorie intake just by stuffing my face…