

  • This is what I do, too. I created a "meal name" (click on settings) called "drinks / snacks" so I can see exactly how many calories I'm drinking, and how any snacks impact my day, nutritionally. It helps a lot. :)
  • Sad news, I'm so sorry. :( Honestly, I think the first thing your cousin should do is find a doctor who won't "stamp" him with an expiration date. There are a lot of treatment options. Once the shock of the diagnosis wears off, hopefully you can help him out. Best of luck to you and your family! <3
  • In addition to tracking sodium in my diary, I also track potassium. Sodium and potassium are electrolytes that work together as a checks and balance system. If you have a high sodium day, be sure to "up" your potassium intake to balance out. It was a real eye opener for me. Reaching the potassium goal can be a challenge.…
  • Brush your teeth. I never want to eat right after I brush. :)
  • Way to go!!!!!! WOOOOOOOT! I can't wait til I'm there with ya! (I love your baby beagle too! I have 3) :happy:
  • Jillian Michaels talks about this a lot on her podcasts. It's a common question from callers. You should have a listen. Basically, she says that you can't "crack a green nut," so-to-speak. Unless that person (no matter how much you love them) is ready to make a change, you can't force it. You have to let it go. *shrugs*
  • Maybe you should talk to your doctor? It could be a hormone imbalance that's making you crave so much. Ask for a referral to see an endocrinologist. It could also be an honest food addiction and he/she could recommend a therapist. Either way, it seems like something bigger is going on here. Ya know what I mean? I wish you…
  • You're gonna feel sooo much better after you're done with your workout. I always do. Just go! PLUS - Your SIL is going to suffer the consequences of eating fast food and not gaining weight. Slowly but surely she's going to develop serious health problems. Heart disease, diabetes, etc... please don't be jealous of that. :)
  • Beans, beans, beans, legumes and grains. Search google for a list of protein sources for vegans. There are a ton of resources out there. Once you get it down, you'll reach your protein goals without even trying. :) I was vegan for a while, but my husband is so extremely carnivorous that it became a constant source of…
  • I still drink when I want to. On days I know I'm going out, I'll try to scale back on my food calories so I have some extra left over. I'm finding that I drink a lot less though. MFP really holds me accountable to my calorie goal and I feel guilty when I go over. I did indulge recently though. A few weeks ago, I had 3…
  • Before indulging, try putting those true values into your MFP diary and just LOOK at the numbers. Once you see how many calories, fat grams, sodium mgs, and carbs you are eating.... you'll change your mind. :)
  • probably the same. Have you ever worked in a kitchen? Oil, salt & butter OH MY! All of the things we've been conditioned to love and crave in the US. mmmmm. I'm working to "retrain" my tastes buds so food like that doesn't even taste good anymore.
    in Diner food Comment by babs23 June 2011
  • I agree with ALL of this! Not only have I added the sodium column to my diary, but I've added potassium as well. (go to settings when you're in your diary to change your columns). Sodium and potassium are electrolytes and they act as a checks and balance system for your body. The more sodium you eat, the more water you…
  • Listen to Jillian Michaels' podcast titled "Jillian Talks Salt"
  • MFP creates a calorie deficit (which is needed to lose weight) through a calories IN restriction only. So, if you ate 1210 calories everyday without exercise, you would still (theoretically) lose weight. With that logic, any calories OUT, should be eaten back so you don't have a huge deficit. A huge deficit is fine if you…
    in CONFUSED Comment by babs23 June 2011
  • SW - Starting Weight CW - Current Weight GW - Goal Weight As far as making the most of the site... do you have a smart phone? Download the free MFP (myfitnesspal) app right away. It's great to have on the go. I even find myself using it in the kitchen instead of running back to my computer.
  • I use an app called Gym Buddy. It's available for iPhone/iPod, but not Android. There are a lot of apps out there designed to be gym companions.... MFP isn't the greatest, in my experience :(
  • Search the database and find something similar. Recording something is better than nothing at all. When you search, you may find 10 different dishes that fit your description. Try to pick something that's higher in calories. It's better to overestimate, than to underestimate. The more you eat out, the more you are…
  • I don't know about "Fitbit," but I have a bodybugg and I love it. Here are a few things to consider though... * Included with the purchase of a bugg, you get free access to the website for 6 months. After that, it's about $10/month. * In my opinion, 90% the functions on the website are useless. They have a calorie intake…
  • Definitely ask your physical therapist what's best. I'm going to guess that he/she will recommend the pool, but I can never know for sure. Please ask before doing anything that is recommended here. :)
  • Unfortunately... for some reason people feel it's okay to talk/look down to others who are overweight. We all experience it in one way or another. I was once told that I didn't get a job because they were "looking for someone to be the face of the company." What do you even say to something like that? It should be…
  • I am no fan or walmart, trust me... I just ended up there today because I needed some bathroom cleaning products. Lysol is Lysol, no matter where you buy it! lol anyways I was SHOCKED by the variety/quality of the mens workout clothes there. (Fruit of the Loom muscle shirts for $4.77! O.O) The girls workout section? not so…
  • At Walmart (yes tameko2 Walmart), they sell Starter brand compression shorts for $12. I just bought a pair for my husband today. He ran 5 miles in them at the gym tonight with no issues. They absorb moisture and they are anti-microbial. heck... they are even reflective! They come in black, gray, blue or white. :)
  • wear tighty bike shorts under your regular shorts. They work like a CHARM! Walmart actually has a decent workout clothing section and a nice selection of compression type shorts. Check it out!
  • well... it's the internet. people misspell stuff when they post online. ignore capitalization, even!
  • She's NOT saying that you should eat like that forever... but if you're metabolism is out of whack, do it for 2 months to reset. After the reset, THEN start creating a calorie deficit. At least that's how I read it. Am I wrong? ETA - glad other people are reading it that way too! ALSO, I don't think this is meant for…
  • I agree, it's probably water retention. Watch your sodium levels like a HAWK! Keep them low (like 1500mg a day). If you do have a high sodium day, be sure to eat potassium rich foods for balance. With the exception of Aunt Flo.... this has eliminated my water retention problem. :)
  • You could be over training. Loosing those last 20-30 pounds is very different when you are no longer obese. I recommend listening to Jillian Michaels podcast called "Debunking The Plateau." She talks about finding a calorie deficit sweet spot to lose those pounds. You can listen to it here:…
  • Sounds yummy, but can you tell us what the sodium content is? I keep my sodium intake under 1500mg a day so I don't retain water. This recipe, although low in calories, seems pretty high in sodium. Hopefully, I'm wrong. :) Thanks!