

  • The truth is... you HAVE to strengthen your back muscles and your core to prevent back pain. I suggest googling exercises for scoliosis. It's a good place to start. You can even significantly improve your condition with the correct training. I was born crooked too...
  • New Chapter vitamins! They are whole food vitamins that digest well and really make a difference. Most vitamins get their nutrients (like calcium) from things like... rocks. :noway: These are pricey, but they're amazing. They make a daily multi specially formulated for women over 40. It's called the Every Woman II. Take a…
    in Vitamins Comment by babs23 October 2011
  • With the amount of weight you have to lose, you're probably over training. Subtract your calories IN from your calories OUT. If it's any higher than 700 calories, you're over training. Listen to the first 15 minutes of Jillian Michael's free podcast called "Debunking the Plateau" she explains it pretty well there:…
  • You're definitely still young :P Skin can take a year to settle, so don't get discouraged. And 140 lbs???? Wholey Krap! WAY TO GO!
  • Most OTC vitamins are full of fillers and get their nutrients from things like... rocks. I recommend New Chapter, which are made from vegetarian sources. They are on the pricey side, but this is one area where you shouldn't skimp. They are priced well on Amazon.
  • Take a look at Jillian Michael's book "Master You Metabolism" ... it's geared toward those who need to lose what she considers "vanity pounds." Pounds that are harder to lose since your body doesn't want to lose them. Also, start by taking 15 minutes to listen to the beginning of her free podcast titled "Debunking the…
  • Welcome!!! I'm on the same journey, so I can tell you that you've come to the right place. I use a BodyBugg to track my calories out and this site to track my calories in. I've lost 50lbs since April! Just be true to your diary and track everything you eat. I've learned so much about food here! Knowledge is power!…
  • I do the same thing. Why is cardio so boring??? lol Plus, my feet fall asleep on the elliptical if I stay on longer than 20 mins, so I have to move on. I'm losing too, so we must be doing something right. I think it's fine also long as you're moving from one machine to the next, keeping your heart rate up. I have a…
  • fresh fruit, lite yogurt, frozen whole fruit bar, freezie pops. that's usually what we have. When I have a bowl of cereal in the morning, it's usually around 300 calories. That's a meal. Watch your portion size if you have cereal. :)
    in dessert Comment by babs23 September 2011
  • There really isn't any way to tell, at least I don't think so. They key is to keep your electrolytes balanced to avoid water retention in the future. Keep your sodium low (1500mg/day) and try to reach your potassium goal every day. High sodium consumption leads to water retention, but potassium counter acts that by…
  • While all calories (as a unit of energy) are created equal, the nutritional value of a calorie can differ for obvious reasons. Denying your body of proper nutrition can have serious negative effects over time.
  • Thank you for your suggestions! :heart:
  • Count both calories in and calories OUT (with a heart rate monitor, bodybugg/bodyfit) as closely as you can Your deficit should be around 700 cals a day if you only have 20lbs to lose. Depending on what exercise you do, the number of cals you eat every day may change, so you have to evaluate it on a daily basis. Take 14…
  • I work for a very large online shoe retailer and I can only recommend one thing: Find a running shop in your area and have your gait analyzed. How you walk/run will determine which shoe is best for you. Wearing the right shoe for your gait and will make all the difference. Take a look at this:…
  • I recommend a high quality supplement in addition to calcium rich foods. I dislike dairy (always have), so it's something important to me as well. Osteoporosis runs in my family. This is the supplement I take:** Reviews on Amazon:…
  • My husband wears compression shorts. it keeps his boxers in place and it eliminates friction. He wears them under his gym shorts. You can buy them cheap at Walmart, they're made by Starter. The website says their not available, but we found them (in black) in the store:…
  • There are a lot of other spices you can use to spice up your food, experiment. Jillian Michael's did a podcast dedicated to salt and it was pretty eye opening. I definitely recommend taking 20+ minutes and listen. She recommends keeping your sodium intake around 1500 mgs a day. Otherwise, you're going to retain water…
    in Sodium Comment by babs23 September 2011
  • It seems that some people don't see value in being humble. She's probably been validated by beauty her entire life and just thinks it's normal. It may be the only area of her life where she's received any kind of validation. She may truly think that's all she has to offer. Obviously, you can't change her. You can help in…
  • They don't use your BMR to calculate your number, they use your TDEE:
    in BMR Help?! Comment by babs23 August 2011
  • Try not to deny yourself, just keep it under control. When we start denying ourselves, we start to binge. So, just have a little if you want it. Have you ever tried Skinny Cow ice cream products? They are really good, low in calories and portion controlled. Give them a try. If I'm having a sweet craving, I grab one of…
  • I love Skinny Cow! The only downfall.... my job has it available in our work lunch room for free! Free! It's hard to be a skinny cow when free ice cream is available! lol
  • Unfortunately, you can't get rid of fat in specific areas. Fat loss is a whole body experience and a combination of cardio and strength training is the only way to go. All you can do is tone the area, do the cardio and as fat loss happens, you'll see the results. Have you tried hip abduction machines? They work both inner…
  • Sounds like your at the point of cutting the knots out since nothing else is working. lol Meh, it happens. Not the end of the world. I would let the stylist cut that last knot out, though. I love love love that style and you have the facial structure to pull it off VERY well!!! Definitely give it a try! Ask your stylist to…
    in Hair Help Comment by babs23 August 2011
  • Are you look for styles, or are looking to get your hair cut? Honestly, I think you should go for the Ramona Flowers look... if you hate it, it's just hair, it will grow back :) Try something new and fun!!! :) My tips: Buy one of those wide toothed combs and keep it in the shower. While conditioning, comb your hair to help…
    in Hair Help Comment by babs23 August 2011
  • How much is your calorie deficit? It may be too high. Listen to a podcast by Jillian Michaels called "Debunking the Plateau" In it, she talks about how weight loss for someone losing 100 lbs is VERY different from someone who has to lose 20-30 lbs. I hope it helps: podcast #16:…
  • The deficit is calculated in the background....The net calories is your TDEE (based on your gender, weight, height, age and activity level) minus your target deficit (I believe the max here is 1000 calories/day). The "net" is your daily calorie intake allotment. That's what you track in your diary. If you are entering in…
  • I spent a week entering food information on both sites. Once I added the "bodybugg" exercise to MFP, the "Net" number was the same as the "Calorie Balance" number on the BB site. Their math is the same, just displayed differently.
  • I have a Bugg and I love it! Their online food diary it terrible (I hear BodyMedia's is better), so I log all of my food here. I created an exercise here called "bodybugg" and just input my total calories burned every day. It screws up the MyFitnessPal math though. At the end of the day, my "Net" calories on MFP is a…
  • Are you monitoring your sodium intake? Fluid shifts can make an enormous difference on the scale one day to the next. If you happened to eat something high in sodium last week, chances are you've retained water. The daily goal for sodium is something like 2500mgs. I recommend keeping your sodium between 1500 - 2000mgs a…
  • Funny story... my friend and I were at a farmers market and she bought this giant pre-packaged pickle that was in a spicy brine. I warned her of the sodium content, so we looked at the nutrition label. 580mg of sodium seemed high, but she really wanted it. She took one bite and spit it out because it was so salty. We…