
Well, I know I've came a long way...I've lost 140 pounds since 2004...and I've been on MFP since January and have lost almost 30 to help me get down to my ultimate goal. I know I should be happy that I'm a million times healthier than ever before and I am...BUT of course the ole vanity kicks in...just in the past few months since I've lost the 26 pounds here I'm starting to get a saggy chin and neck. After I lost the 110 pounds I bounced back pretty good with the skin! But now it's starting to what I guess I'm asking is, do any of you have that problem? Is there a miracle cream or is plastic surgery the only option? Sigh...I guess it just comes with getting older, nothing is bouncing back like it used to, I just turned 30. What gets me though is when I lost weight fast I didn't really have the sagginess in that area and now that I'm losing slowly, here it is...Anyone care to discuss?


  • Legalchica
    Good Luck. I have some similar issues. But I already know that i have to have surgery of some type :( I had twins in 06 and they were HUGE. I have this large section of skin on my tummy that is nothing but stretch marks and does not do ANYTHING as I lose weight... It actually looks worse the more I lose. Hang in there though you may not need it.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Good Luck. I have some similar issues. But I already know that i have to have surgery of some type :( I had twins in 06 and they were HUGE. I have this large section of skin on my tummy that is nothing but stretch marks and does not do ANYTHING as I lose weight... It actually looks worse the more I lose. Hang in there though you may not need it.

    Thank you, I have a saggy belly too but it's not horrible terrible, but I have a feeling it will not leave me no matter how much toning and exercising I do, I feel your pain! Luckily I don't have many stretch marks and I've had a child...
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I think only surgery will do it. However, you are probably more sensitive to it because I'll bet you look at yourself real close.....Sometimes it takes a while for your body to readjust to the new weight so give it a little time....if the profile picture is really you then man, you are gorgeous and have nothing to worry about.

    I am a woman, almost 63 and everything sags. If I lose the weight, it will be interesting. Too bad they don't have spanx for the neck!!! :laugh: One more thing, did you go under a good weight? You are a success story....relish it!!!
  • sneezles
    sneezles Posts: 165 Member
    I think as long as you are weight training you will just have to give your body time. It certainly didn't stretch out in a few months...
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I'm old so I would have gotten my saggy neck no matter how fat I was LOL

    I heard the show The Doctors had a segment on this recently, I'll check out their site and see if it's online yet.

    PS I have stretch marks and never had kids:grumble: You are really pretty so don't stress too much over little things, ok?
  • babs23
    You're definitely still young :P Skin can take a year to settle, so don't get discouraged.

    And 140 lbs???? Wholey Krap! WAY TO GO!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I think only surgery will do it. However, you are probably more sensitive to it because I'll bet you look at yourself real close.....Sometimes it takes a while for your body to readjust to the new weight so give it a little time....if the profile picture is really you then man, you are gorgeous and have nothing to worry about.

    I am a woman, almost 63 and everything sags. If I lose the weight, it will be interesting. Too bad they don't have spanx for the neck!!! :laugh: One more thing, did you go under a good weight? You are a success story....relish it!!!

    Thank you :) Yeah, I guess I'm pretty, yeah too bad they don't have spanx for the neck...what sucks about neck sag is that it's RIGHT THERE in front for the world to see. I did go under a good weight, I have about 10 pounds to lose and I'll be at my ultimate goal :)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks for all the nice responses...I guess I was just looking for a miracle cream, lol...anybody do any kind of skincare regimen that helps?
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Jess, I don't see the sagginess in the pics I've seen of you. To me you look fabulous!! I'm also having that problem in my neck area. For me, I'm guessing a big part of it is because of age...since I am getting closer to 50! Ouch! My body doesn't feel that old and it could be genetics too. I've always heard about face exercises you could do to tone that area but not sure how true that is. It would be great if there was a miracle cream that worked!!! I am so proud of you:) You have accomplished so much. Of course, we always see our flaws but most people don't even notice them. I think with you being younger, your skin will bounce back. You are such an inspiration for a lot of people on here including me:):)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Jess, I don't see the sagginess in the pics I've seen of you. To me you look fabulous!! I'm also having that problem in my neck area. For me, I'm guessing a big part of it is because of age...since I am getting closer to 50! Ouch! My body doesn't feel that old and it could be genetics too. I've always heard about face exercises you could do to tone that area but not sure how true that is. It would be great if there was a miracle cream that worked!!! I am so proud of you:) You have accomplished so much. Of course, we always see our flaws but most people don't even notice them. I think with you being younger, your skin will bounce back. You are such an inspiration for a lot of people on here including me:):)

    Aww, thanks cuz, I know I should be happy! It's definitely there but it's not too noticeable really except when I turn my head a certain way or raise my arms up, weird....I will just have to realize that a little sag is nothing compared to how much better I feel :)
    You look great in your new profile pic, I'm just so dang proud of us because I didn't realize we'd both still be here this long developing much healthier habits!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Thanks Cuz:) I just can't imagine my life now without Mfp!! I don't ever want to go back to the way I was eating and being lazy before. I feel 10 years younger at least. I figured though with the loss, I would get rid of my turkey gobbler neck but just isn't happening lol. Maybe someone will have some helpful advice.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I'd just like a good cream of some sort...definitely not ready for face lifts if ever! I need to start a good skincare regimen at this age anyways, but nothing too expensive...I've been looking online at stuff but it's hard to know whats good. My mom has the same problem, I'd have to say it's genetics!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    188 views and no one else has anything to say about sagginess or some good recommendations for some cream? lol
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Osmotics Blue copper. I use their face cream and body cream. I love it. If you want to try a skincare routine, this is a great line. I'm 32, and age definitely has a bearing on how well our skin bounces back.......I didn't snap back with the 2nd baby the way I did with the first....
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    I agree that you are beautiful and I don't see the sag in your photos, but accept that you do.

    There are facial exercises you can do, and I think there even little exercise machines for the jaw line (Rosemary Connelly) but have not tried them.

    'My beautician' (nails and eyebrows!) swears by collagen cream and capsules, though I must say I've never fancied that as I believe its from cow bones and bits and bobs!!! On a pleasanter note she has said to always moisturise your neck and to stroke the cream on in the same direction - doesn't matter which way as long as its the same one.

    I've def got arm, boob, neck, face and tummy sag, but have come to accept it as my lot after years of yo-yoing and too much sun- but then I'm much older than you......

    Hope you find your solution!
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
    I'd just like a good cream of some sort...definitely not ready for face lifts if ever! I need to start a good skincare regimen at this age anyways, but nothing too expensive...I've been looking online at stuff but it's hard to know whats good. My mom has the same problem, I'd have to say it's genetics!

    Collagen cream; my lady swears by the Collin brand....and SPF on your face, neck and hands, always :-)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks for the responses! It seems the moment I turned 30 the sagginess became pronounced, lol but not lol....