Preferred his shirt to me
I have a mad obsession with super hero movies whoops
Oh cool sunglasses
Idk anyone in particular but those people who manage to grab those one word usernames.
These absolutely giant, as in like mountain of cereal completely downed in like 800 calories of full fat milk. Ugh. I haven't has cereal in a year now. I also used to have like 9 sausages at dinner with like 4 potatoes and vegetables and all that but seriously, 9? I could throw up. Haven't had that in a year either. I…
Yes. Eating like this can also cause binges/cravings which you seriously do not want. I understand that it's just how you feel and you're happy with that but you really should try and eat more. Here if you want to talk <3
Try just having 2 slices. I believe in you, lovey. Obviously you have some amazing level of strength to work in a pizza place because gosh I could not handle, I would go crazy with cravings wow.
Proper popcorn???? It's lovely and only 88 calories per bag but tastes like much more. You can get it from Tesco but I'm sure it's available else where, anyway it's fab.
Motivation can be hard to get but I know you'll get out there and reach the healthy weight you desire. Go for it. What have you got to lose? :)