

  • Welcome to MFP! You can SO do this! This has probably been the most effective tool I've ever used in creating helthier habits - I'm 42 with (less serious!) health issues, so it's not just about losing weight for me either. Although having just moved from Scotland to Canada, the poundage needs taken care of too! My best…
  • Aside from that mentioned above, it could very well be that you're gaining muscle - which would be a good thing! Trust me! What you need are a set of scales that measure body fat - keep an eye on that. Does your gym not have a set? Or look at how you feel in your clothes. If they're feeling more comfortable and a little…
  • 4 months ago. I have a couple of lbs to lose from the festivities before I'm back there again! But only a couple now! :)
  • Hi, feel free to add me. I'm 41, 2 kids and have been here for around 2 years (on and off) I think! Lost a lot of weight at the start, now yoyo-ing - but would like to lost 15-20lbs or so.
    in HI ALL X Comment by KT0104 October 2013
  • First one was a little after the start of my journey ~ I had already lost around 10lbs. The second was a further 35lbs down the road ~ around 18 months later. Not changed much since then; although the hair is longer again! I always swore I'd get it all chopped off once I lost the chins! :o)…
  • Hi there. Welcome to MFP :) I'm over 40 (just!) and have been here 2-years. Feel free to add me :)
  • Have to agree with the majority here ; tone a little and build muscle ~ your weight may not change (you'll swap muscle for fat) ~ but you'll reduce the inches ~ so will get the shape you want ~ win/win. Resistance bands are good. I'd give TRX a bash if there's a class near you ~ I love it! It can be as challenging as you…
  • Silly question, but have you had your thyroid checked out? I discovered I was hypothyroid a wee while ago - had gained a load of weight beforehand that I couldn't stop no matter what I tried! Nowadays, I can't eat too much wheat without gaining - and it has nothing to do with calorie content (am v.anal about my logging!)
  • May 2012 ~ lost a little more pundage since then! :o)
  • I'm in Scotland. :o) Feel free to add.
  • Feel free to add me :o) I've lost around 50lbs - have another 15-20 to go! :o)
    in Friends Comment by KT0104 November 2012
  • I'm in the UK too! Feel free to add me - anyone feel free in fact! You can never have too much support or motivation - and it's good to be able to see other people's ideas so you can swap them. I've used MFP for a little over a year. Lost around 50lbs give or take. Only got around 20 to go! I keep losing a little more and…
  • There IS light at the end of the tunnel, it's just a really long road unfortunately. You shoudl be incredibly proud of yourself for your achievements in the face of life changing events ~ you're turning it around. Don't ever lose sight of that. Feel free to add me.
  • I wanted to lose around 80lbs ~ I'm a little over half way there now, although it's not always been an easy ride! This place has been a godsend! Feel free to add me! And remember ~ you CAN do this! :o)
  • You're welcome to add me, but I may not be the best source of inspiration! I eat pretty well, but exercise to balance that. Not that I'm always at the gym etc - walking, zumba, circuit training etc. It seems to work as I've lost lots!! Soesn't mean I don't struggle sometimes with the dreaded chocolate! x
  • Mine too!! :o)
  • I'm the big 40 in about 5 weeks! :-O Lost 42lbs on here last year and have another 25 to go! I'll add you - feel free to accept and we can motivate and encourage each other! :o)
  • I had the same problem, however have found if I eat little and often, I don't get hungry! Colleagues were commenting on how I never stopped eating, but was losing weight! It's all about keeping your blood sugar levels steady ~ insulin is your enemy!! I try to stay away from wheat, so love porridge for breakfast ~ you can…
  • Keri, (nearly 40!) from Fife in Scotland. Lost 3 stones on here so far ~ one more to go! If I can do it, anyone can! Feel free to add me :o)
  • I'm in my 30's...although not for much longer! :o( Lost around 40lbs, another 14-20 to go :0) You can do this yourself ~ but it's easier when you have support and inspiration from others. And it's always nice to help those who maybe aren't doing as well as you sometimes ~ you never know when the tables could be turned!
  • Feel free to accept me :o)
  • I'm 5' 5" and currently 167.5 - want to get down to 130-135, but gaining and losing same 2lbs just now! Suppose I shouldn't complain, when I started here I was nearly 210lbs, so I'm over half way there!
  • I've added you :o) Feel free to accept! I've been here about 10 months and was doing pretty well until now! lol! Took Christmas off ~ didn;t gain as much as I expected, but struggling to get back on the horse! So feel free to add me for chat and support ~ we all need it from time to time :o) Kx
  • It's certainly do-able! I'm averaging at an impressive 1600-1800 calories per day - with lots and lots of exercise - and have lost around 16kgs to date! You usually lose a fair amount during your first 2-3 weeks when you apply yourself, so I can't see why you wouldn't achieve your goal. Good luck!! :o)
  • Heart Rate Monitor :smile:
  • Possibly girl27 ~ one of the most common symptoms of mild dehydraion are headaches. Try and up your fluid level for a few days and see if that helps. If not, at least you've eliminated it as a reason! :smile:
  • PS Pepsi, Coke (diet or otherwise), coffee and tea are diuretics ~ they cause your body to lose water (it's the caffeine). So you actually need to drink more of them to allow your body to rehydrate. Clever little side efect for the drinks manufacturers! Best thing you can drink is green or herbal tea ~ or water (with added…
  • It's probably ecause you're eating more fresh fruit and vegetables ~ which are full of water. I was exactly the same. Before I started eating more healthily, I always thought that '8 glasses of water' was a minimum! I drank looooots!! Now I struggle to drink that much! Just drunk as much as you can. Your skin and head will…
  • You could always pick up some iron tablets from your local pharmacist...? Just don't take too much!
    in Iron! Comment by KT0104 May 2011