

  • Thanks :D I had no choice to go shopping - all my clothing was too big!!!!
  • 22 yrs old, 160cm SW - 213lbs CW - 154lbs GW - 132lbs
  • Level 1 - day 3 done! Still very sore - as soon as I stop moving my calves especially sieze up - woke up this morning and stumbled down the stairs I was so sore! Went for a 40 min walk, hobbled for the first bit until they loosened up! Just sat down after doing day 3 - got through the whole thing, (short break for a phone…
  • Ohh can I join? Did Level 1- day 2 today Was sore all day, almost did my usual and give up looked at threads on here and did it despite the pain! Managed to do the whole thing with no breather (had a short one yesterday), and didnt collapse in a pile of exhaustion at the end so theres an improvement already. Was feeling…
  • I made korma the other day, and had heaps of leftovers. So, using 1tbs of the korma/rice mix, I made mini korma rolls by wrapping the mix in rice paper - sprayed them very very lightly with oil and baked them on baking paper in the oven. Works out to be 37 calories per roll and they are delish! Am going to do the same with…
  • Hey, I was diagnosed Coeliac 8ish months ago. And apart from the odd slip up I have been gluten free since. Have recently started MFP, and am living the challange of cooking new things. Have recently got myself a slow cooker - they are brilliant! Feel free to add me - my diary is open to friends