

  • Hi there my surgery was Monday 6/9/14, got home from the hospital today. I'm doing extremely well stil doingl full liquid for now. No, gas but hope that get better for you. Please keep me posted on your progress and I will do the same.
  • Congrats on the weight lose, I will definitely keep you posted on how surgery goes... thanks for responding wasn't sure if anyone really reads these statements.
  • Hi ladies, This is my 1st time ever doing anything like this. However, I am scheduled for surgery 6/9/14...I'm in my pre-op stage. I am so ready for this surgery my current weight is 275lbs at my heaviest I was like 312lbs. I have a great support person in my life who loves me no matter what my weight is. But I am looking…
  • Hi ladies, This is my 1st time ever doing anything like this. However, I am scheduled for surgery 6/9/14...I'm in my pre-op stage. I am so ready for this surgery my current weight is 275lbs at my heaviest I was like 312lbs. I have a great support person in my life who loves me no matter what my weight is. But I am looking…