

  • Hey everyone. I fell a bit behind the group when easter hit, but managed to do day 9 of the shred yesterday, I decided to go ahead and weigh in this morning and Im pleased with the results. I lost 2lbs and 5.5inches overall. :) There's my motivation to keep pushing. Keep up the good work everyone! :)
  • 5 days of the shred complete, and I dread to get at it again this morning. However, I always feel soo good once the workouts finished so I know I got to keep going. I have 2 small kids here, so the minute one goes down for a nap I get at it, otherwise I don't get a chance. My 3 year old watches and works out with me and…
  • Measurements! Height: 5' 2" Weight: 154lbs Chest: 41 Waist (at bellybutton): 36 Hips: 40 Thighs: 24 Arms: 11 Neck: 13.5
  • Hi guys! I'm relatively new to MFP. I also started the 30 Day Shred this past Monday, so I'd like in on this group. This is my 2nd attempt at the shred, so I'm hoping that I will stay motivated this time around. Day 3 of the workout is finished, and I feel great. Hope everyone else is getting through it as well! :)