

  • Protein works the best for me. In the morning fat free ham and egg, together or separate, they hold for about 2 hrs before I get hungry. For lunch, I found that the beef (100gr) can hold for 3-4 hrs. So I vote for animal protein.
  • I do agree. Stick to your allowed calorie intake and if with exercise you burn calories, you don't have to eat that much extra. The rule is really: "what feels the best for you". For me personally, it is dangerous to have those "extra allowed" calories. I generally obsess about food and with the daily allowed calories, I…
  • Food weighing made my life much easier as eyeballing always came with that guilt trip "I know this is not 100 gr, but oh well"...
  • It all depends on what feels the best for you. Since I constantly obsess about the food, in my case 4 meals of about 200 cal work the best, and then some healthy snacks in between. So, I am always eating something, never feel hungry or, God forbid, restricted. If I had to wait the whole day for those 1,500 cal meals, I…
  • I don't think you should worry too much about fruit sugar. It comes from the nature and its not like you eat 500 calories of sugar per day, so go for it. None of us gained weight from fruits and none of us will loose the weight by cutting out fruits from the diet. Think of the vitamins you're getting from them and not…