kufambrian Member


  • Ok, that's probably true. It's just that I'd like to have maximum results with her workouts, and since my normal diet is for maintenance, I don't know if I'll see much of a difference at the end of these 12 weeks of her workouts. :)
  • A lot of times, what is made for dinner is decided at the last minute. Meal-planning doesn't really happen at our house. :P Thank you though!
  • Wow! I didn't think this many people would respond to this. Thank you all so much! About eating more carbs.... I hadn't really thought about that very much. I didn't realize there could be that many medical problems linked to this, either. I did suspect it might be low iron or something thyroid-related, so I just started…
  • I just realized about a week ago that I wasn't eating my exercise calories back, so I've started doing that, but haven't noticed much of a change. I just set up an appointment with my doctor, so I hope he can get this figured out. :P