lisabmcd Member


  • There is no "evidence" that white rice " sits on top of the lining of your stomach".
  • Your breath smelled awful because your body was breaking down fats for fuel. The by-products of fat metabolism are ketones. Ketones are weak acids, and thus you described perfectly what is known as "ketone breath". In addition if ketones build up in your blood, your blood will become acidic , and this can be detrimental to…
  • Ketogenic diets are not meant to be followed long-term. Ketones are by-products of fat metabolism; technically weak acids. When ketones build up in the blood they make the blood acidic, and this can be detrimental to yur health.
  • BMR= Basal Metabolic Rate, the amount of energy you need to consume to maintain physiologic functions such as heart rate and breathing. To lose weight, you would need to consume less than this amount each day or eat this amount plus exercise each day. Lisa , MS., RD
    in BMR Comment by lisabmcd November 2011
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