jimjj211 Member


  • I went through Insanity Asylum without doing Inanity. I started almost immediately after I finished P90X, and it was a challenging adjustment but I made it just fine, so it can't be too hard. P90 was semi-effective, but the Asylum got me much better results in terms of weight loss because of the cardio.... Only downfall of…
  • After I finished my first cycle of P90X, I kinda did my own thing with his workouts, which included doing Ab Ripper about 6 times per week (against Tony's advice), but I found that it did help tighten my abs and gave me more definition there. I only did this for 4 weeks, but at the end I did feel it helped my abs more than…
  • When I started using Insanity Asylum after P90X I found that Insanity was a lot more cardio than P90X. So if you are still wanting to build more strength and mass, I would go with the hybrid. If you are wanting more lean muscle, I would just do Insanity itself for the first 30 days.