himitsusj Member


  • I just started my journey - love your positivity! I sent you a request, hopefully you add me :)
  • I'm getting back on the wagon after falling off for a very long time, and I'm determined to make it work this time around. I'd love to have someone who's fighting my same battle and looking for all the support and encouragement they can get as a friend, so long as they return the favor. I'll add you. :)
  • well there's two people, mom and I. Technically, anyways.
  • I think this is a really lovely thing. I definitely have some pretty severe self-esteem issues because of my size, and I have my whole life; now that I'm trying to get myself better, for me and my family and my girlfriend and my future children, I think I really need to remember this. Instead of telling myself how ugly I…
  • Okay, so, a few things. As someone who is attempting to re-learn appropriate eating behaviors and habits, I find that myfitnesspal has been invaluable in letting me see exactly what it is I'm eating, how much of it I'm eating, and how to do better with it. Though I have not yet lost weight, I am learning how to better…
  • Awesome! You look fantastic, good job! :)
  • Like the other people have said, my first and most immediate concern would be with your significant other calling you fat. That sort of negative image promotion is not something that should be happening in a relationship where your partner is supporting you. (As an aside, from your picture at least, I also think you…