I got mine as a birthday present and only wear it as a symbol that I kinda workout lolololol
O.O Daaang girl! Get it!
I have cheat days like once a week, and then again every few months I take a week off. I think it helps my metabolism go from sluggish back to being a little faster.
I think Mindy said it best, "guys say this, and then they date butt models!"
If I can tell I'm about to binge that day I stop and immediately write in a journal about how I feel and why I should not binge. This is the only thing to stop me. Oh and I always make sure to eat enough carbs bc without them I go crazy with binging!
Dang girl! Keep going!
My doctor just said I could stay off BP meds! I'm so HAPPY!!!
If I don't like the food I will spit it out to not waste the calories, but never spit it out if I do like it. I will also smell things I like enough that I feel like I know what it would taste like, so I don't have to eat it. If that's weird I don't really care.
My belly!
Here's what you do because I am so awkward at the gym. You LOOK like you know what you're doing. Get this serious face down pat and wear it all the time. The face should say if you even look in my direction my glare will burn holes through you! Then when you need to watch a video for form just pretend you are resting. Go…
Hmm there's no way you would lose inches in a week. It takes me a month to see even a half inch change. Just keep at it, and let the goal be health and not weight loss. (if only I could take my own advice ha!)
You know it could also depend on your scale. Mine won't change unless there's a 2 lb change, so I always stand on it while holding a weight and then without one. I only think this because you said it didn't change a single ounce and that used to frustrate me, but it would be hard to be the exact same ounce.
154 from 284 I still have a long slow ways to go
I do. My face gets super red, and I need to feel confident at the gym, so I wear what I had on or put a little on before I go. I know people think that's annoying, but I don't care. I mostly just do foundation and eye liner though. I have my own natural blush lol!
I totally agree! I bought a food scale because everybody said its the most accurate way to log. Now my food gets cold while I'm looking for something that measures in ounces. I would log it myself, but how am I supposed to know how many calories an ounce equals?
Thanks for this. I'm not even a mom, but I have this (must be genes). Anyways, this gives me hope that it will go away eventually!
I had high BP and wanted to take care of it on my own, but doc said I had to take meds. So I take meds, and do cardio for a year, but NOTHING has helped my bp like strength training. (and I'm talking lifting heavy things) MY BP is now 110/71 so I hope to slowly come off those meds. With it that high though you need meds…
Is food an appropriate answer?
Kid's meals are the best! I cannot give up Mcdonald's and lose weight there is no way it would happen. I would just be miserable.
Triceps. They are so hard!
People not liking people on the phone freaks me out! Why not? I do the strong lifts app, and I have to rest for atleast 90 seconds, so what am I supposed to do just sit there... Does that really bother people? Also I have to type my reps into the app, and I just get so freaked out that people are going to think I'm not…
I'm in nursing school and today we looked at a BMI chart. My friend turned to me and said, "so are you in the healthy range yet or still overweight!" HA I said guuurl! I'm just glad to be on the chart! lol
Yes its very weird. I have guys texting me now which NEVER happened before in my entire life, and I have no idea what to do. Being an introvert has always come with my being big, so I really don't even know how to act or how to text somebody! Its a good thing, but I guess I just never prepared for it.
Fallout Boy
I like the blonde!
The reason I use machines is so that I don't have to have a spotter. If there was a way to not have one I would totally get into that!
Wow! Amazing job! That is so true about being detached from the old you, but still kind of wishing people weren't so judgmental about the old you.
[img][/img] This is before and during
YES! This is perfection! I have often thought of this as being a reason to be in shape, or of course if I'm in the Hunger Games.
Week 1 255 lbs Week 2 251.8 lbs Week 3 249.8 lbs loss -5.2 lbs I made an inspiration journal this week, and it is working awesome. Right now in it I just have the reasons I want to lose weight, some pictures of people I admire (who also have great bodies lol) and compliments people have given me. I look at it every time I…