2deltacharlie Member


  • Not exactly what you are looking for but... We have a garage floor covered in one of the epoxy coatings. For mats we picked up a couple of "horse stall" matts from Tractor Supply. They are 3/4" thick and 4'x6' in size. About $50. They have a smaller version that is 1/2" thick and 3'x4' I believe. They are very heavy, like…
  • Sweat has nothing to do with intensity... That's the funniest thing I've read here in quite a while.
  • FitNotes may not be quite as sophisticated as some of the others (apparently) are but I like the straightforward interface and the lack of advertising.
  • 161.4 vs. 163 over even as few as 24 hours is nothing. It's almost certainly at least 90% due to your hydration level. You have had great results so far! Stay the course. Examining weight from day to day is instructive as you learn how much your weight can vary. However on a day to day basis that can be alarming if you are…
  • lol... yeah there is a thing called "Google". If people used it the supplement industry would go out of business.
  • "The gym became too social..." Ok... I don't know what that means. Put on your ear buds, put on your "don't bug me man!" attitude, and do what you gotta do
  • The amount you sweat appears to be particular to your body. I sweat like a pig and my shorts/shirt will be soaked while my wife has barely a sheen. I'm pretty sure my "intensity" is greater than hers but hard to imagine there is enough difference to account for the sweat difference.
  • Try beef or chicken broth. You can have a mug or two and still be at 50 calories max. Caution: check the sodium content, usually on the high side. If your blood pressure is under control maybe you can tolerate it for a couple of weeks or thereabouts...maybe...
  • If you stick with it you will be amazed at the gains you can make in the first couple of months. It is as much mental conditioning as it is physical. Sort of a "once you know you can do it, then you can do it" kinda thing.
  • Darn Christmas calories! lol... I got burned too after telling myself it wasn't going to happen this year. So...Is it possible the reason you are not achieving the desired result as quickly as desired is because you are taking in a few too many calories for your activity level? For the majority of us weight loss is…
  • I had mine out about 5 years ago. For about 6 months after my bowels were looser than normal. Then things gradually normalized until at this point I don't even think about it unless the topic comes up. As you have seen the outcomes vary widely. Good luck.