cecreech Member


  • Fiber one cereal (with water instead of milk) and blueberries. Sometimes strawberries. Sometimes a hard boiled egg. An easy open can of tuna. I can usually prepare and eat most anything with some forethought.
  • Just when you thought it was safe - BUMP!
  • It sounds like you probably need more grief time and "moving on" time from the wicked witch of the west. If it is still with you in 9 months I would go and see your medical doctor. Until then continue to exercise to relieve stress and let your emotions come to the surface when it is safe to do so. I would also look for a…
  • I had a great ride this morning alone. It was short, only 9 miles , but it was fun to see what the ol' body would do after a longish ride yesterday. To my absolute astonishment - I was fine, perhaps a little faster. I also felt good because after a couple of weeks of leveling off, I am down 2 more pounds. (the crowd goes…
  • 60 miles for the day 85 for the week. :wink:
  • I knew you were awesome all along bro. In short: Udaman! :bigsmile:
  • It is one thing to think a relationship is over, it is quite another to know that it is over. Your brain is connected to your heart and so is your appetite. As your heart returns and you find the lioness within you, everything else will level out. I have seen many (dozens) of people through major losses. Every one of them…
  • 19 miles today. Feeling pretty good. I hope to see the scale move tomorrow morning. I have been a very good boy. :blushing:
  • I am still at the same weight but there is more hope than ever since my family is now coming on board and doesn't seem to be sabotaging my work so much. I will probably drop some more weight this week. :smile:
  • 20 miles Saturday 7.5 miles Sunday and went hiking with the Mrs. Who knows tomorrow?
  • That is so very, very good. Awesome! (the crowd goes wild!)
  • Read something inspirational and get away from the negativity as much as you are able. I know what it is like to be the lone "health nut" in the house. Everyone else is saying "yay pizza" and you are thinking "600 calories a slice, are you kidding me!" Fill yourself up with the good thoughts and feed your soul and give you…
  • Ditto, part of my retraining myself is to think of calories as work. I can earn any food I want, I just have to plan and earn calories for it. The only way to earn calories is by burning them. Occasionally, you get sidetracked and sabotaged by very well meaning folks, like your husband. At my house I am married to the…
  • You can't help what your son does, or what your husband does. You only control you. You can do this, you can lose weight and get control of your life. Let the lioness inside come out and be that wonderful woman that you know you are deep inside. :happy:
  • 20.2 miles today hot, hot, hot! Humid, humid, humid! 32.4 miles for the week, rain, rain, rain. The really great news is that now I have a new job and I don't have to do call any more. Work is 4.9 miles from home, mostly on a BIKE LANE! Woo Hoo! I hope to find out if they are bike friendly on Monday but at that distance I…
  • I haven't had too much change, I was down one more pound and the the RELATIVES came to town! So now I am struggling to get back down to where I had lost before. I am riding my bike in little spurts. Its helping. I think its just slow.
  • 10 miles this morning at 14.5 mph average in the hills. It was great!
  • You folks are inspirational! :happy: I have had a lousy bike week but hope to get "back in the saddle" again. My job is my biggest hindance to any outdoor activity right now because I am "on call" which means I can do anything I want to as long as I can respond to a patient within an hour (in a suit, nice and clean). I…
  • Dude, I have been there. It is different for us guys. There is an element of being out of control that is worrisome at times. There is some good news at the end of this. If you still have weight loss goals to pursue they just got easier, ALL SSRIs (including Lexapro) strongly inhibit the loss of weight. It can become…
  • What a defining moment in life. I'll keep praying for you and them. This is so very traumatic. :cry:
  • I have lived with egg and many other allergies as well as eczema and asthma for the last 47 years. When I was little they used to put a tent over my bed so I could breath and put socks on my hands so I couldn't scratch as efficiently. No one understood just how allergic I was! Most of my childhood pictures show the redness…
  • That is so very scary. I will certainly keep you, your family and her and her family in prayer. Please update me if you think about it.
  • Welcome Carolina, I am also in SC! Stay cool! This is a great site and has really helped me stay on track. Its full of supportive people. You go!
  • Ok, it took a couple of weeks or so but I woke up this morning and had lost another pound, fun!
  • I am a confirmed male of the masculine variety. I am actually somewhat dangerous. :glasses: The flamboyant and large proportion Of those of the female notion Have caused a constant, undying commotion Which is without a curative potion. I am thankful for their contribution And I wonder it there is confusion? Are they us and…
  • :bigsmile: <---- Creechmiester feeling mighty warm and fuzzy! Aw Shucks y'all. With this kind of support it is easy to keep working on the right thing. Thank you again! :happy:
  • Thanks folks, y'all are the bestest! :blushing:
  • OK, I know its not much compared to many of you but I haven't lost weight like this ever. Most of the weight I have lost in the past has been due to a fad diet or something and it just came right back. This time I feel like I earned the weight loss. So, I feel great about this! :bigsmile: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free…
  • What a stupid thing to say. I have a hard time believing how insensitive people can be. . . as if they were capable of judging. To think that the selfish, self centered sob slandered you in front of another employee that could constitute a "hostile work environment" and he could be in big trouble. :mad: You are a wonderful…
  • Thanks Banks and Frankp! I am 47 and the trickiness of weight loss with minimal muscle loss is intriguing. I also wonder about "old fat" and how slow it comes off. This could explain why I feel stronger and lighter but not so much. I guess this is going to be a longer process than I thought. I am cycling at least 10 miles…