jenversuslife Member


  • I'm in! I'm working in kilos, so 27.2kg to take down!
  • Can he not shower earlier and feed your 4 year old while you eat?
  • Every morning; after using the bathroom and naked. I do this because I like to notice how salt/hormones effect my weight and I can see patterns in my weight loss. I find this helps me because when I then do shift any weight for any number of days then I can understand why. I am not bothered by any gains because I can…
  • Today I had fat free vanilla yoghurt topped with a little nut muesli, some raisins, some 100% peanut butter, and a flaxseed/linseed/sesame seed blend (325 kcal, 13g protein). Day before I had some wholemeal toast with pate (238 kcal). Monday I had a premade pack that has low fat yoghurt and strawberry granola that you mix…
  • Consider stress, hormones, TOM etc. the scale might not move but you have to keep motivated! You can do it! I would say 1. Take measurements: bust, under bust, waist, hips. Take them weekly and see if the numbers are moving. 2. Make sure you are using a good set of weighing scales for all your food, not using 'generic'…
  • From a quick look at the past 2 or 3 days in your diary, you drink a lot of your calories: Relentlesa, Pepsi, Beer. Try switching to water (flavoured with fresh fruit or herbs, still or sparkling). Your sandwich is very calorie dense but is obviously not making you feel full. Have you thought about reducing the calorie…
  • Are you driving in? Can you pack food in your car and go out of the festival to you car for lunch? Are you camping overnight? Either way lots of water, filling breakfast, avoid added salt and spend your time enjoying the music rather than the food!
  • I make healthier nachos; sweet potato wedges baked in the oven with cumin, cayenne pepper, paprika and cinnamon topped with shredded chicken breast, quorn or turkey mince in passata and spices. Then I add in homemade guacamole, salsa and some grated cheddar (here I go full fat because I feel like you can use less as it has…
  • Cottage Cheese Cauliflower (along with brussel sprouts these are the only 2 vegetables I don't eat) Milk
  • Eat what I want and just whack it in my tracker. I'm not 'counting my calories' that way because I'm not making choices based on my macro/what kcal I have remaining - but I just like to fill my tracker so when I do have weight changes I know why and can see the link. I think it's also sometimes good to see the nutritional…
  • I have/had around 30kg to lose which seems mental, so I've broken it down and in reality I just want to lose around 3.5kg a month until May which is definitely achievable! I just take every day as it comes. I feel achieved hitting "Complete entry" each day, so then I do it the next and then the next! Practice does not make…
  • 01/09: 45 mins: 25 minutes brisk walk/jog, 15 minutes Hip Hop Zumba, 5 minutes Pilates 02/09: 35 mins: 20 minutes Pilates, 15 minutes Hip Hop Zumba 03/09 and 04/09: Nothing 05/09: 20 mins: Pilates (feeling under the weather :( ) Total: 100 minutes Remaining: 1340/1440
  • I find nutmeg and parmesan both work amazingly in a butternut squash sauce. (P.S. Also I find adding starchy pasta water to tomato based makes it taste creamier as well)
  • Apple with honey and dessicated coconut Chocolate brownies made with avocado and wholemeal flour Home popped popcorn topped with various goodies. It's amazing with almond butter. Microwave mug cake (can add chocolate, cocoa, other flavourings etc) I found a recipe on pinterest for peanut butter cookies with 4 ingredients…
  • Thanks for the advice :) Aren't sugars just a type of carb? I thought non sugar carbs, like fiber, were digested slower at a slower rate than sugar and therefore don't cause peaks and crashes in your blood sugar levels/energy? IDK this is from like 6 years ago I was taught this at school haha.
  • I had the implanon for about 15 months and then had it taken out. I don't know if the contraception itself led me to gaining weight but I was very emotional and as an emotional eater it didn't work well! I also had crazy mood swings (like saying I love you to my boyfriend one minute to throwing things at him the next) and…
  • 01/09: 45 mins: 25 minutes brisk walk/jog, 15 minutes Hip Hop Zumba, 5 minutes Pilates 02/09: 35 mins: 20 minutes Pilates, 15 minutes Hip Hop Zumba Total: 80 minutes Remaining: 1360/1440
  • - If you are going to a restaurant, browse the menu and nutritional content, pre plan your order and whack it into your tracker a couple of days before - Stick to lighter drinks like vodka with soda and fresh lime and if you are going out put this into your tracker the day before as well - Try to stick to only excessing in…
  • I generally try to. Today I was in a rush so I just had a banana and a date and cashew bar, which was about 20% of my daily calories. When I have time I like to prepare and cook more and end up using about 30%.
  • I just reset my goals and it recommended 1200 (after being on 1330), but I custom upped it to 1300 for 0.8kg loss a week.
  • Maybe TMI but I went to get more contraception and my nurse advised that I would possibly need to change my pill type due to weight gain (I'd gone up 6lbs in 6 months, obviously I was close to the brink to begin with). I'm the maximum I can be on this pill, I don't want to change contraception and potentially cause more…
  • Yes just in time for the Christmas parties!!
  • Just popping in to say I had a dry January and raised £250 for Cancer Research in the process (that's how much I drank originally and how surprised my friends and family were haha) and I know it's tough but keep going!!
  • Starting 1440: 01/09: 45 mins: 25 min brisk walk/jog, 15 minutes Hip Hop Zumba, 5 minutes Pilates Total: 45 minutes Remaining: 1395
  • Quaker Oats, Bran cereal, or a smoothie bowl (thickly blended fruit in a bowl) topped with various doodahs like; almond butter, chia seeds, unsweetened dessicated coconut, cinnamon, honey, raisins, sultanas, banana, berries, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, flaxseed etc. I have a Graze subscription and they send like seed…
  • Any chance it could be water retention? Begin making sure you drink 2 litres of water a day. A healthy diet and exercise will make you FEEL better about yourself when you put the dress on - you may still need shapewear but it's a good start!
  • Apple with almond butter and dark choc chips, or apple with honey and shredded coconut.
  • Chop into wedges, place on baking tray, spray with light olive oil and sprinke cumin, cayenne, paprika and chili powder over and toss the wedges so they are covered. Put in the oven for 30 mins, then drizzle with a little honey and do another 5-10 minutes. I like to use them as a replacement for tortillas in nachos! So I…