24explorergirl Member


  • Hiya, I'm starting the couch to 5k so would love to connect and keep up motivation!!
  • I suffer with depression and borderline personality and I find I just have it really wear myself out in the day and force myself to stay awake in the day if I haven't slept well. It's easier said than done, I know! Also maybe your medication is interfering with it ? I find it hard to sleep if I've been reliant on…
  • I have seen therapists before and feel that I have all the tools to help myself. I find it upsets the right now if I go over the past too much and I've spent so long analysing the past that for me to live in the present is much more healing and helps my progress more. cebreisch, I wish life had an undo button too! But I…
  • I'm not getting treatment as such I'm just stopping as it hasn't become so much of a big deal yet that I'm drinking every day.. I'm trying to hit the nail on the head before it becomes a problem again. You're right I can't drink socially and I definitely am serious about giving it up. Before I started drinking again…