Dilvish Member


  • Are you tracking/measuring your carbs? 30 grams per day or less is the goal in Keto. How long have you been at it? What does a daily meal plan look like? You need to be more specific. Just remember any diet takes a while to get used to. Slow weight loss is easier to maintain and remember that when you reach your goal…
  • Yup, when in doubt see a physiotherapist. In the event that that isn't possible, just start slow. Any exercise is beneficial if you do it regularly. Why not just start with walking? Go for brisk walks or long walks and get a couple of small hand weights (1 or 2 lbs. ought to suffice) to get some upper body exercise while…
  • Fasting is no more beneficial than a mono diet. What you should consider is that if your goal is weight loss, it needs to be habits that change, not severe caloric restriction. Sustained weight loss is a journey, not a destination so unless you plan on doing the fasting for the remainder of your days, why bother? Find…
  • If you have no medical reason to avoid them, then go at it. Carbs tend to get a bad rap in weight loss because they typically contain more calories per serving. You could eat twinkies all day and still maintain your weight assuming you only ate within your caloric daily goal. The biggest culprits obviously are simple carbs…
  • Just remember the size of the container doesn't account for what you put in it. A bowl full of ice cream has 3 times more calories than the bowl full of chopped pineapple. They are both very sweet but one is much healthier and less calories. Portion control can be a good start but eventually you will likely start putting…
  • Yup, sustained weight loss takes time and effort and requires lifestyle changes. These factors combined are the reason(s) most fad diets simply don't work. When people decide they need to lose weight, most reach for a goal weight and date. Unfortunately when that happens there is an "end" to the process. When the end…
    in Day 2 Comment by Dilvish April 2019
  • Going over your caloric daily goal is absolutely normal. It happens to all of us. The important thing to recognize is that sustained weight loss is a matter of changing habits versus a restrictive diet. Weight loss is a journey, not a destination. A lot of people obsess over a target weight and date which ultimately fails…
  • Ya that's great...send her information about a drug that contains toxic ingredients like parabens and frikkin antifreeze! That might cure the sore throat and kill the rest of your body. Also disregard the comment about salt water from the other poster...saltwater is actually a very good remedy for sore throats...…
  • Nothing is impossible if you have the right frame of mind and the will to see it through. My Doctor, whom I have been a patient for 24 years, had told me over the years that it would be very difficult for me to lose weight given my health conditions. I lost 26 lbs. in 3 months and in the last 4 I've dropped another 9 lbs.…
  • Gaining weight should be easy. At age 26 and only 100 lbs. you needn't worry about carbs. Forget MFP. Eat well. Just try not to eat carbs that are considered unhealthy like refined sugar or white flour. Stay away from soda pop and salty snacks like chips, cheezies etc. Reach for protein rich foods like full fat yogurt…
  • Doesn't really matter. Calorie burn rates for exercise are a guess at best because no two people burn at the same rate. The best thing to do is just track your caloric intake and let the exercise do the rest. Just make sure you pick the right category for activity level when you set up your account profile. I personally…
  • Assuming you are in your late 20's or early 30's you should see some weight loss with that caloric intake. Remember that the body gets used to the exercise routine over time so it needs to be changed. If you aren't already doing it, add weights/resistance training and maybe shoot for more time rather than just 4 hours per…
  • Studies show these apps and devices are inaccurate most of the time and should really only be relied upon as a best guess. Forget the tech. Mankind has survived without it for centuries. The basic laws of thermodynamics always win out: calories in versus calories out...eat less and exercise more, for life. Science shows…
  • Supplements should really only be taken when you have gaps in your nutrition. Typically it isn't necessary until around age 40 or older, unless you have a really poor diet. They certainly don't aid in weight loss. The only thing that does is caloric reduction combined with regular exercise. I'm over 50 so to ensure I am…
  • Rowing is resistance training whereas treadmill is cardiovascular. Rowing would be a better option because it works more muscle groups. Weights or resistance exercise, like rowing, is best for weight loss because it improves muscle mass or builds on it and muscle is more metabolically active so it burns more calories.
  • Fitbit and other tech trackers are generally inaccurate most of the time and there is mounting evidence that they should not be relied upon unless all you are using it for is a generic pedometer (casual walking). The University of British Columbia (Canada) did a study on them and it was quite shocking...they are a waste of…
  • I love baby carrots as a snack. Crunchy and sweet and I dip them in a little zesty lime Italian dressing. I also enjoy home made trail mix: sweetened dried cranberries mixed with pumpkin seed kernels (roasted and salted) and dark chocolate chipits. It contains a good serving of protein, healthy fat, vitamins, minerals and…
  • Yes most yogurt has carbs from added sugar and fruit. Plain Greek or SKYR type yogurt is best. To add some flavor, I generally add a touch of concentrated lemon juice (virtually no carbs) or berries, which are typically lower in carbs than most fruit. I love mixing the plain yogurt with organic blackberries or raspberries.…
  • Losing weight to manage or in some cases reverse Type 2 Diabetes is a good approach but unless you are being monitored by a physician there are a number of serious health issues you could place yourself in when trying this type of diet. Ask yourself is it worth the risk? You may improve your blood sugars tests but at what…
  • Don't confuse simple carbs to complex carbs. Sugars are the enemy when it comes to weight loss. essentially simple sugars are high in calories but low in nutritional value. If you look at Keto diets, they majorly restrict carbs overall. Why? Because our bodies use carbs for fuel. When carbs are not plentiful, the body…
  • First off don't rely on data posted by tech fitness trackers. There is mounting evidence that they are typically inaccurate most of the time. Second, anyone who says weights don't help you lose weight is full of crap. Toning or building muscle is the best way to lose weight because muscle is 3 times more metabolically…
  • I too had the scare. In October last year my blood test came back in the diabetic range. I was 269 lbs. I opted to reverse it. 3 months later for my next blood test, I lost 26 lbs. My blood work was back to normal ranges. Sugar in all it's forms is the enemy. Learn to recognize all their names on packages (like…
  • I have the same problem and decided that instead of forcing myself to stop snacking, I just added more exercise. I still am mindful of what I eat and that's the first step. Eventually you'll know what to expect from yourself and will learn to curb the snacking. I've dropped a lot of crap from my cupboards but I still…
  • Don't be too invested in this gadgetry. There is mounting evidence that shows these types of tech are inaccurate most of the time. It makes sense too when you think about it because no two people are the same. It's just like the calorie burn amount that is displayed on some exercise equipment...how can it know what you…
  • Careful, there is mounting evidence that fitness trackers are typically not accurate unless all you are doing is plain old walking...
  • 5lbs in a month is doable using weights. 15lbs in a month is unhealthy. Believe in the fact that if you decide to starve yourself to look better, once you are in Mexico, you will binge like crazy. The problem today is that many people are so image conscious that they forget who they really are. You want to get toned,…
    in Help! Comment by Dilvish April 2019
  • Yep like others said, salads at a fast food restaurant are usually just as bad calorie wise as the regular menu items see for yourself http://www1.mcdonalds.ca/NutritionCalculator/NutritionFactsEN.pdf It's okay to indulge once in a while but consider this. Feeding your kids McDonalds food should be very low on your list.…
  • 1 cup of berries, usually fresh and/or organically grown with 3/4 cup plain 2% Greek or SKYR type yogurt. 200 calories... full of protein, vitamins and minerals. When berries are unavailable I use 1/3 cup roasted, salted pumpkin seed kernels- 390 calories with the yogurt. Delicious
  • The diet needn't be bland. You can still eat what you want just smaller portions to fit into your calorie goal. As soon as you start eating bland food the diet will inevitably fail because there is simply too much temptation to eat real food. Just be mindful of what you eat. 1600 calories as fried chicken, for example, is…
  • First off, don't weigh yourself daily. It is counterproductive and experts do not recommend it. Once a week is sufficient and better still, use a tape measure instead. Weight fluctuates daily due to water retention (men & women) so it isn't an accurate measure. Sustained weight loss requires lifestyle changes, not just…