VictoriaTuel Member


  • Also, this entire internal and external argument of militant/chill (I hate this wording)/aggressive/pushy/etc vegans is imo, a deflection so people don't have to talk about the actual issue of mass animal exploitation. Shoot the messaging so you don't have to hear the message.
  • I think there's merit to most people's vegan advocacy/activism/awareness efforts. If no one is taking a hard line and being aggressive, people will just paint the semi-aggressive people as extremist instead. And it's harder to ignore people if they are making you feel strong emotions. Personally, I think every person has a…
  • My main issue with these results is that they don't account for food weight at all. When I eat dinner late I weigh more in the morning regardless of whether I ate more or less calories that day. Sometimes the difference can be as much as 4-5lb depending on the type of food I ate. The people who ate a larger breakfast had…
  • Haha I knew someone wouldn't like that comment :lol: Of course some packaging is necessary in our food supply chain, I'm in no way suggesting everything needs to be zero waste or such. I don't think this is all simply morals either. People deserve to know what they're purchasing and where it came from, and many labels and…
  • I think this is a great topic to be thinking about, and more people should definitely examine the ethics of their consumption. Personally, I'm vegan because I have the ability to cook my meals myself, and I live in the Midwest of the US with plenty of fresh produce (yet people in my small town can be almost aggressively…
  • I'm 5'8" and have a medium to large frame, with most of my fat stored in my lower body as well. I've spent a lot of time around 150-160lbs, with my highest being 180 and lowest being 128. When I was 170, I honestly had no idea where more than 10lbs of fat would come from. Then I just naturally started eating less and…
  • This has become the most relatable thread I've seen in a while. I'm 5'8"/173cm with a .64 WHR, long legs, and a high waist and I gave up on pants that weren't stretchy a decade ago :lol: I have found exactly 1 "high-waisted" product that actually reaches my waist in my life; even the "super high waisted" jeans are inches…
  • I think of everything in a protein to calorie ratio and make decisions based on that. There's a lot of vegetables that are really high in protein that often get overlooked in a standard diet, so there's tons of options! Here are a few of my staples off the top of my head: Whole foods: Mushrooms, broccoli, dark leafy…
  • The fact that it's vegan protein versus dairy based shouldn't affect the timing. If you found that eating whey before versus after working out is beneficial for you, the same schedule should work with vegan sources!
  • I discovered this too switching from a vegetarian to vegan diet, and the best one I've found is Silk plain soy based yogurt. I used yogurt to get a lot of my protein, and a lot of the vegan yogurts I've encountered have no (literally <1g) protein, especially the coconut based ones. The ones that have some protein are often…
  • Oh okay, so it is being used (by some) as a down vote essentially. I guess I should clarify my woos from now on....or just stay away from that button to be safe/avoid confusion. Thanks!
  • Just read through this thread and tbh I've always thought "woo" was cheering someone on/being excited about a post, like "woo, you got this" it "woo, go you!" Why would mfp include mean reactions when they don't even have a down vote button?
  • @CharlieBeansmomTracey I'm resetting back to my normal eating habits, maybe with a little deficit if I went very overboard. I went out for dinner and drinks every day this weekend because I was traveling with friends, so there was a lot of salt and fats involved that I don't normally eat. Also, for me, drinking alcohol…
  • I would second (third?) that a lot has to do with genetics, and then staying under calories overall. I live on a diet of probably about 60% vegetables and 40% sweets sometimes, and I have a 6-pack, but my body does not like to store any fat in my upper body. I'm 172 cm (5'7"-5'8") and weigh 59kg/130lbs now, but even when I…
  • I eat oatmeal all the time! I never eat nuts because my best friend growing up was allergic to all of them, so all of mine are nut free. I'll make hot oatmeal I eat right away and cold overnight oats. As a basic recipe, 1 part oats + 2 parts coconut milk, a pinch of salt, and a little added sweetener (honey, maple syrup,…
  • I've gained 10-15 lbs/4.5-7 kg in one day, morning to night, from eating out for coworkers leaving, eating 3+ donuts, flying, and going out drinking. I usually fluctuate 3-5 lbs/1-3 kg over the course of a day, but when I skyrocket up, it always takes 3-4 days for my body to re-equilibrate. Usually even completely…
  • I relate to this so much! I'm currently 172cm/5'7.5" 59kg/130lbs, and I just moved to a new job last September. None of my coworkers believe that I used to weigh 23+kg/50+lbs more than I do now. I've shown them pictures and they still don't completely believe me, and give me the look just for saying I used to weigh more!…
  • I'm not sure if this is true for everyone, but I always weigh more in summer, even if I don't change my diet. I don't sweat as much as most other people, which makes my body feel even hotter than the ambient temperature would make it, and combined with the outside heat, my body just retains water like crazy in the summer!…
  • Asparagus soup is delicious! If you have a blender, you can boil/saute most green vegetables with onions, then blend them with lemon juice, yogurt, and a little Parmesan cheese and it's delicious and low calorie! I've done this with asparagus and peas and it's very good. Spenatsoppa (Swedish cabbage soup) with boiled eggs…
  • I'm 172cm (5'8") and 59 kg (130 lbs) and I don't think I look awful/underweight at all! I'm definitely thin because I run and do a lot of activities that require moving your bodyweight, but I have defined muscles all over my body and I'm mainly this light because I have a very low body fat percentage on a small to medium…
  • @Cora0477 I definitely do this, especially when the event I'm going to is for someone I know has some body image issues or is competitive or such where I know they do notice what I'm wearing/how I look. While my friends would never ask me to change or anything like that, I also feel like there's nothing wrong with trying…
  • I have the same stats as you (but am in my twenties), but have you always stored fat in your midriff? I feel like most people will have one area that clings on to fat at all cost (mine is my thighs personally), but I might ask your doctor if you've randomly started to accumulate fat in a new location. I'm also a…
  • I use everything but stones, but it seems like 10 st 3 would be an average bmi for someone 5'8"/173cm if I'm covering it right to 143lb/64.8kg. I'm 23, 5'7.5"/172cm and currently around 9 st 3/129lb/58.5kg, but I'm very lean (I'm only this small now because I got into running a lot and play multiple team sports). I was…
  • @TavistockToad I know you're joking, but I want to answer seriously because no one was even close to noticing how few calories I was eating (not even me), and I was eating ~1200 calories for months. First, I tend to overbook myself, so sometimes I was just doing too many things to pay attention to whether I was hungry or…
  • Late to the party, but I'm 5' 7.5", 128lb (172cm, 58kg) and I also feel like my calories are a lot when I know logically they're not. I started logging in mfp when I started running and lost a lot of weight and was concerned I wasn't eating enough my activity level. It turns out I was sometimes only eating 1200 calories on…
  • One other thing I would mention is that if you're using MFP to estimate how many calories you're burning doing various exercises, you're overestimating your calorie burn. There are online calculators that will more accurately estimate your calorie burn; usually I take the average of multiple estimates to be more accurate.…
  • Julienned carrots! You can make them thicker if you want to, but I'll julienne a carrot (or multiple baby carrots) and then dip them in 1 tbsp of BBQ sauce mixed with 1 tbsp of plain Greek yogurt or another sauce. You can also slice zucchini into thin, chip-like slices and dip them in sauces too, but that will be less…
  • Feel free to add me if you want! I'm currently 172cm 61kg (5'7.5" and 134lb) after all of the holiday comfort foods and subsequent water retention combined with a lack of gym access. Normally I'm about 58-59kg (127-130lb) with 12-18% body fat (this is range I've gotten based off multiple body fat measuring devices because…
  • @GoldenEye_ There's an assisted pull-up machine at my gym that I use! I find that helpful because then I can do 1 at the lowest assist weight possible and then try to do more with a bigger assist. My current stats/measurements are: Fastest mile time: 6 minutes 45 seconds Lowest assist on pullups: 4.5kg (10lb) 172 cm…
  • Omg I love buzzfeed's workout videos. @GoldenEye_ My life is still hectic because I'm overscheduling myself, but now I'm used to the hecticness lol. I feel like I'm pretty much at my goals right now and am mostly trying to maintain! I'm consistently at 59+/-1.5 kg (130+/-3lbs) now and measured my waist recently one morning…