Tamber1969 Member


  • Hahaha...NH. We don't get out on 2 wheels much here in January. There isn't any snow but lots of salt on the roads and I personally HATE being cold! :)
  • Hello all!! I'm new to the group (not to MFP or WW) and usually weigh in on Mondays. My starting weight for WW (Sept 26, 2011) was 182.8...my weight on Monday of this week was 163. I gained a little over the holidays but am headed back down. Glad to see there are other WW's on here. I have been doing both and am happy to…
  • @ cseemann69 "I for one also love to wear all the cute tops and chaps, etc. that make you look and feel awesome while cruising down the road. Well, it seems that over the past few years I have gained a few pounds and things aren't looking so "cute" when I put them on. " I HEAR YA SISTA!!!!! :tongue:
  • Sounds like you are making a great start Candykay!!! I'll friend you too....I can def use the accountability myself. I have been yoyo dieting for years and have reached a point where I need to make this my new lifestyle and not a diet. Diets don't work!!!! I work out 4 mornings a week at a Bootcamp class and usually go…
  • Well...even though I try to convince people that I look like Cindy Crawford :tongue: , what I usually get is Dana Delany. Oh well...I'll take it!!
  • I like the Almond milk but find that it isn't "creamy" enough for my taste. What about Fat Free Half and Half and a drop of vanilla extract? I've tried the Stevia and think it is GROSSSSSS!!!! I like Splenda or Equal just fine.
  • Thank you everyone...I tend to be pretty structured and this definitely helps. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one this works for! Happy Hump Day!!
  • Also over 40 and since my son is 15 now I guess I need to stop blaming this on "baby fat"!! LOL. I would love to add some of you ladies for support and encouragement. I am getting married this year (3rd times a charm!) and could really use the help. Good luck to all of you and hopefully we can all help each other through…
  • Hi Laura, Congrats on the wedding...a June wedding will be beautiful! I am also getting married this year, in October, and am trying to lose another 25 pounds before the big day. Let's help each other be the beautiful brides our honeys already know us to be!!! Tammy
  • Hi everyone...I am really inspired reading the words of advice and encouragement you all have for one another. I have been losing weight for about 3 1/2 months and am doing pretty good. My fiance is also losing. We are getting married in Oct of this year and I want to look amazing at our wedding!! I also want to be…