

  • Start eggs off in cold water and a teaspoon of salt on the stove. Bring to a full boil and shut the heat off but leave the pot on the hot burner. If the eggs are room temp leave for 10 minutes if they are straight from the refridge leave them for 13 minutes. After the time is up plop them into ice water until completely…
  • may sound crazy but check out routines for women. it even has food advice. there are bulking plans and leaning out plans.. all of which are free. not to mention some dedicated for women others for men. i always tend to lean to a girl named Jamie Eason. she starts very basic and works into a harder routine…
  • As long as you stay between your macros your good doesnt matter when you eat them.. I know people that eat 1 meal a day consisting of 3000 calories..
  • i teach a lot of nutrition to people gaining bulk muscle and losing and i always recommend a 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat for people trying to lose weight.. Why you ask? Protein is the hardest thing to turn into fat. I personally consume 310g of protein per day.. its not hard. Your more than welcome to check out my log…
  • Interesting :) well keep losing bf and look up Jim stoppani shortcut to size and he's got an amazing workout for abs. That's what I use
    in Abs? Comment by chasterson October 2012
  • tell ya what not sure not what your reasoning behind being a vegetarian is.. but ya youre going to find it very hard to hit your protein intakes... you may not know it but by doing so you are probably lacking a lot of minerals in your diet that you can get from protein sources.. or maybe just do fish and eggs? :happy:
    in Abs? Comment by chasterson October 2012
  • I workout 4 days a week and the other 3 I do "active rests" 1 hour walk, hike, job.. or you could do 20-30 of High intensity interval training...
  • Sarah reduce your carbs.. do a 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% that should help out alot.. if your trying to get a six pack and lose BF thats the best solution.. i was looking at your diet and thats what i would suggest.
    in Abs? Comment by chasterson October 2012