

  • why don't you try something like half a cup of cottage cheese (to make it a bit sweeter i always do a pinch of spleenda and a bit of cinnamon) one slice of rye toast with natural peanut butter and a single cup of yogart or a peach? super quick thats what i eat when i have to work @ 4:30am
  • i have a collasped arch so I used to get them really bad, the best thing is get new shoes. And stretch your legs more. the best stretch that helped me was one where you put your heal to the ground, toes facing up, hands on hips and gently shift back into a semi sitting postiton. another one that my coach told me it to tape…
  • i fell in love with running the other day, out of anger i wan 5k plusdid a 30 minute cardio and weights class. My goal is to weigh 145lbs by the end of the summer and currently im 158lbs. any recipes or tips for me?:flowerforyou: