yamdad Member


  • I'll give it s whirl starting with walking 3 miles a day
  • Kinect boxing and then a half hour of volleyball and I'm whooped
  • I did the ea active more workouts challenge and then i did the ea active 2 90 day challenge on medium setting. I didnt really lose weight with the 90 day challenge but it definitly helped me tone up a lot of my lose fat and turn it into muscle. I did the challenge twice and i got tired of the constant leg work outs and i…
  • How about a keurig french vanilla with half a sweet n low and coffeemate non dairy creamer
  • i find that i am stuffed most of the time, and cant eat my calories without feeling my stomach is going to explode. i hit a platue and didnt workout or diet for july, but im back on track and hopefully i can surpass my platue this time with the change in diet, and adding bicycling to my exercise routine. i have another 20…
  • You can find on youtube the actual video for the old ab roller
  • I got bored with ea active 2 after doing the 9 week challenge a 2nd time. Well more like i felt it was more legs legs legs than anything. On the ea active web site there is a guy who made a routine to mix it up cause he felt the same. Its a great workout."
  • I only do about 4 miles every morning and i really enjoy my walks. What i do is walk about 3.5 to 4 mph for the first 2 miles and then on my way back i run for a min or two to get my heart rate pumping and then walk again til i catch my breath and then jog again until im out of breath or my legs are burning. I keep doing…
    in Walk / Run Comment by yamdad August 2011
  • In january i couldnt do 2 pushups unless i did the ones with my knees on thd ground and feet lifted up off the ground. I can do 12 to 15 normal pushups now because i did the knee ones. Keep doing knee pushups and u will notice you ca. Do normal ones after about 2 weeks. Currently i do what pushups i can and then i drop the…
  • I have the wii fit but i didnt like it much, i needed a program that chose and designed a workout for me. I used the ea active on the wii, i did the ea active more workouts version and the 6 week challenge and it was great. It was hard in the beginning because i i was so out of shape. When i finished that i bought the ea…
  • thanks for the responses, i talked myself into doing the workout, so thanks for the nudges and the responses, i read a few of those links to help me understand more about eating healthy and to eat more calories. but im already stuffed all day with what i already eat but i will add more to my 2 snack times. i have another…
  • even with taking 2 pills a day of glucovance 500mg, walking 4 miles a day, and eating healthy for since january i still cant keep my sugars under 150 and if i have any kind of fruit i jump to 250.. its frustrating but i am hoping to shed the weight and rid myself of this. any ideas on any fruits i can add to my diet that…
  • thanks for the input, i added so i can watch my sodium intake, and adjusted my goal to lose 1.5 pounds a week and i will definitely try to mix up my foods a bit more. i do drink a glass of water with each snack and meal as well as during all my exercising. i only drink coffee, with non-dairy creamer, i stopped using any…