kellysg12 Member


  • There are plenty of different ways to lose weight in terms of macromolecule distribution (that is, the percentage of calories/energy you get from carbs, fat, and protein). Most people stick to around 50% carbs, 20% protein, and 30% fat. It is pretty universally agreed upon that this is ONE very healthy way to structure…
  • This! Oatmeal is amazing when you're working on weight loss. Whole grain, filling, and easy to add fruit, healthy fats (nuts or nut butter), and lowfat/nonfat dairy to. I usually end up cooking 1/2 cup dry oats (150cal) and adding 1/2 cup plain soy milk (45cal) and then something yummy like a banana (~105cal) or 2…
  • I like to do a salad with some no-cook or microwave protein, and maybe bread on the side if you're into that. My favorites have been spinach salad with cut up microwaved vegetarian (or not) chicken patty, tomatoes, and red onion, or a romaine salad with tuna, basil, and nuts. Either way it's easy to manipulate the macros…
  • Hi OP! I know this thread has gotten a little out of hand, but I wanted to put my two cents in. These people have no idea what they're talking about! If you know your body and think you're in ketosis and you're sure you're just seeing ketones in your urine see a f***ing doctor.