

  • Sadly I have to care what the scale says. Since I am enlisting I have to be a required weight for my height. Or I can make the BMI requirement but that's still far off too (thank god for a scale that tells me it).
  • Hey guys, don't know if anyone is still active in this group, but just wanted to introduce myself. My names Zack and I'm looking to enlist in the USAF. I have a long way to go but with a support group of people with similar interests, it won't feel that long.
  • So it wouldn't matter if I did it when I first woke up or woke up again? Only when I finally got off the couch?
  • Thanks for all the advice guys. To answer a few questions: HappyHope0123 - I am 90 pounds away from the weight requirement and 30 points or percentage away from the BMI requirement. I am looking to get fit so I can pass their physical test with flying colors before BMT. steve0820 - They're looking for Elbows to knees with…
  • Well yes, I do need to practice at it, but when I can't get one of either exercise, how can I practice them?
  • Giving my post a bump because I would really want a support group for my journey.