

  • :heart: I'm 5' even and weigh 127, doesn't seem a lot to most people but I'm short and most of my weight is in my butt,thighs and stomach. mostly stomach. I've been religiously logging everything I eat. It has made me realize I was picking so much through out the day and eating a lot at night once all three kids were in…
  • Thank you everyone, I'm going to try and make my own soup in crockpot and freeze in baggies. I really like that idea. Thank you for the help. Everyone on here is always so very helpful. I believe for the first time I can get this weight off.
  • Okay, I have not made my own soup but I like the advice and I'm going to give it a try. I certainly don't like the water retention thing. I want these 20 lbs OFF.
  • Thank you all of you. I'm new at all this and that was a great help. I am determined to get in better shape. :happy:
  • Thank you, You are the second person to tell me since i'm getting the sugarfrom good foods and i"m only negative 3 today. To just go ahead and watch it but not worry about it.:smile: