Added you!
I'm not saying I have to eat in the morning, but if I don't then I don't get to eat until after 2pm and I get up at 6am. If I can take a protein shake to work, I'd be able to drink that when I get hungry. Eating at work is not an option for the job I have. And no, I don't work until 2 without breaks. I work until noon and…
Thanks for all the responses everyone. I most definitely am not paying for Shakeology, but in the mornings I have a hard time eating breakfast because I'm just not hungry. So I was looking for a protein shake that was comparable to it. I'll just go to GNC or something. Does anyone have a brand they have found that is good?…
Thanks everyone! Today was the first day and it was great :-)
You can add me. I need support as well since my friends are all basically inactive.
Is there a certain brand that is better than another?
Ok thanks, I didn't eat the broth because for some reason it makes me gag.
That's what I thought. I have always counted every calorie because I didn't believe it. Thanks!
Thanks! I will look into all suggestions. I'm desperate at this point!
Hi, I will be your friend! We need all the support we can get!
Hi! I'll be your friend!!!
I'll join! I lent my dvd to a friend, so I will have to go and buy a new one. Its doubtful I will ever get that one back. :tongue:
Wow I hope you didn't let them buy it!
15 pages later and couldn't find my twin... :-( I know you are out there somewhere!! Female 28 5'2" SW: 270 CW: 245 GW: 130-135
Hi I think I will give up eating out! Except for Subway. I eat the low cal stuff there anyway. This will save me cals and money! Thanks for starting this!!