

  • Mostly I work out at outside running and walking, trying to get to the point where I can run a 5k. But I also do workout DVD's at the house. I'm looking forward to having a bicycle at some point so I can bike to work during the summer and fall. I only like being at a gym for strength training.
  • Hi! I'm on week 5 of the C25K workout and am kind of stuck honestly, but just seeing that all these people are trying it is enough to help me stay motivated to keep going, so thanks!
  • Hi! I'm brand new to this site, but I have about the same amount of weight to lose as you to be at my target weight... 45 lbs. to go. I have lost 45 lbs in the last year since having a baby but am also having trouble with getting motivated to work out. Maybe we can help each other stay on track! As far as exercise goals go…
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