hello everyone. 50lbs to lose. need friends =)

Hello everyone. ive been using this site/app for a few months now. looove it. but i lost my motivation. need some encouragement to help me through the next 50lbs. i lost 20lbs since December. slow but permanent. my weight is not fluctuating thank goodness. im not on any diet or anything. just eating better and working out (when motivated =P). im looking for anyone on here looking for some support or weight loss buddy feel. thanks a lot. btw, i plan on starting p90x so anyone jumping on that boat with me would be nice. thanks =P


  • awooten47
    Hi! I'm brand new to this site, but I have about the same amount of weight to lose as you to be at my target weight... 45 lbs. to go. I have lost 45 lbs in the last year since having a baby but am also having trouble with getting motivated to work out. Maybe we can help each other stay on track! As far as exercise goals go I have decided to go the Couch 2 5k route and then continue training for a 10k from there. It's a huge thing for me since I've never really done anything like this. Good luck with P90X though! I wish you the best with that. Send me a friend request if you want to chat...