Lauramae980 Member


  • thank you!
  • we are actually doing tacos tonight so this thread is handy :)
  • The above looks amazing! I love avocados! I am not a fan of mayo, so I sub it in everything. I put it on sandwiches, in tacos, on toast. I lived in California for 5 years. It's really the perfect food. fatty, but a good fat and satisfying. I make really good guacamole. Tomato, cilantro, lime juice and you can add onions…
  • My husband makes tacos with ground turkey meat. Very yummy. Gotta find a good shell. The filling is fine....
  • I looked up this thread because I have been quitting smoking and gained 5 pounds in 1 month. I'm 5'1 and originally joined this site for my wedding. I maintained my weight and got into what I thought was a good rhythm last year. On 9/26 this year I quit smoking and now, lest than month later, not only am I back up to what…
  • I'm still early in the process. I've been at half my sodium every day, and trying to get under on everything else, but I always go over on sugar. I made a shake blender of Orange Juice with Chia seeds as a snack to get through the day, and found out the Orange Juice was the whole day's sugar!!!!! I'm glad to see that…