

  • Hi, I was reading some information on this site and came across your post. I wanted to offer you some product options as we have a couple lines and a lot of them are geared towards appetite control while using safe and healthy sources. Our reputation and results are outstanding, take a look or email me for the link! I wish…
  • I couldnt keep myself from replying to your comment as you must not know the product! Not only am I a distributor but i take the products and not only do I look better but I feel better. We get letters, emails from people that we have changed their lives, their cholesteral, blood sugar, their weight!!! Maybe you just dont…
  • Hello, If you do the Max 3 its a 2 week course. It has half the caffeine of the other two MNS products. I have not come across anyone who has not felt and looked better on AdvoCare products. I take the Max 3 myself because I cant have as much caffeine. I feel great and know (for me) to take the pills10 min before I eat…